我家过年的风俗作文300字字 英文回答: Traditionally, Chinese New Year is celebrated as a 15-day festival. The most important day is the first day of the New Year, which falls on a new moon be...
2024-07-15 49 0
我家过年的风俗作文300字字 英文回答: Traditionally, Chinese New Year is celebrated as a 15-day festival. The most important day is the first day of the New Year, which falls on a new moon be...
春节作文700字(精选8篇) 春节作文700字 篇1 中国有很多传统节日,有春节、元宵、清明、端午…….其中,我最喜欢过春节了。每到春节,家家喜贴春联,敲锣打鼓,张灯结彩,送旧迎新…… 不过为什么春节要做那多活动呢?这里面有一个神话故事,我讲给你们听听吧。 从前,有一个叫“年”的猛兽,住在深山里。每逢除夕,都会出来,到下面的村子里,张开血盆大口吃人。...