四年级下册英语第一单元手抄报作文English:In the first unit of the fourth grade English textbook, we learned about different animals and their habitats. We also learned about the importance of protecting the environmen...
2024-04-27 34 0
四年级下册英语第一单元手抄报作文English:In the first unit of the fourth grade English textbook, we learned about different animals and their habitats. We also learned about the importance of protecting the environmen...
繁衍的反义词中文发音:[fán yǎn]词语解释:繁衍,指繁殖衍生;逐渐增多。反义词:死亡、灭绝、消逝【用繁衍造句】1.自古以来,我们的祖先就劳动、生息、繁衍在这块土地上。2.大小道路似乎开始繁衍增加,害我不断地迷路。延续的反义词3.仙人掌可以在荒沙中成活并且繁衍生长。4.兔子有充足的食物就会繁衍得很快。5.近期降水对控制蚊虫繁衍的努力不利。6.在世界上的一些地区,人口繁衍过快,以至引起了人口过...