    My Family Life: Then and Now
家庭生活作文    Do you ever think about how different your life was a few years ago? I sure do! When I look back to five years ago, so many things have changed for me and my family. Back then, I was just a little kid in kindergarten. Now, I'm a big fifth grader getting ready to go to middle school next year. A lot has happened over those five years. Let me tell you about it!
    Five Years Ago
    Five years ago, it was just me, my mom, and my dad living together in our little apartment. We didn't have much space, but it didn't matter because it was cozy and filled with love. My mom worked as a nurse at the hospital, so she had to leave early some mornings. My dad had an office job, so he could drop me off at school and pick me up most days.
    My favorite times were when we were all home together in the evenings. Dad would make funny voices when reading my bedtime stories. Mom would play games with me or help me with my coloring books and puzzles. On weekends, we liked to go to the park and the zoo. Sometimes, we'd have picnics or go to a movie as a family treat.
    Back then, we didn't have much extra money for luxuries. But I didn't care about that. I was just happy spending time with my parents, playing, and using my imagination. Life was simple, but it was really nice.
    Some big changes happened when I was around 6 years old. My mom had another baby - my little brother was born! I was so excited to be a big sister. Though I'll admit, having a newborn sibling around wasn't always easy. He cried a lot and demanded so much attention from my parents. I felt a little jealous at first.
    But soon, I loved having a baby brother. I got to help take care of him - feed him bottles, play with him, and read to him. We became best buddies pretty quickly. My mom also had to take some time off work, so she was home with us more. Those were special months wit
h her.
    The Present Day
    Fast forward five years, and oh how things have changed! We've added another new member to our family - a dog named Buddy. He's a cute little terrier mix and the cuddliest, most energetic pup you'll ever meet. I love coming home from school to be greeted by his wagging tail and wet kisses. Taking him on walks and playing fetch in the backyard is one of my favorite activities.
    Speaking of our backyard, we finally have one! About two years ago, my parents saved up enough money for a down payment on a house. We went from living in that cramped apartment to having a big yard, three bedrooms, and plenty of space to spread out. My brother and I don't have to share a room anymore, which is nice. Though I'll admit I do miss cuddling with him some nights like we used to.
    Money is still a little tight, but not as much as it once was. My dad got a better job with m
ore responsibilities. My mom went back to work too, once my brother was old enough for preschool. We can finally afford some little luxuries here and there - like going out to restaurants, taking a vacation, or buying new bikes and sports equipment.
    My parents seem so much busier now than they were five years ago, though. Sometimes I miss how simple and cozy things felt back when I was really little. These days, my dad is frequently working late or traveling for his job. My mom has to rush around getting us kids ready for school and activities in the morning, then she goes to work all day too. We're often shuttling back and forth between different practices, games, and lessons after school. I'm involved with soccer, art class, and the school musical this year.
    In the evenings, we try to have family dinner together as much as possible. But everybody is so tired and there's always homework to do. My parents are caring for my grandmother now too, after she got sick. We have her over for sleepovers pretty often to help out. I don't mind - she's a hilarious grandma and we love her. But things just feel more hectic compared to how they were when I was 5.
    My Favorite Memories
    Even though daily life is definitely more rushed and complicated now, I still cherish the fun family times we have. Going on vacation is an annual highlight - we drove down to Florida beaches last summer and I have so many amazing memories from that trip. Or when we went camping in the mountains two years ago and toasted s'mores around the campfire. Holidays are always wonderful too. I love decorating for Christmas, eating Mom's famous Thanksgiving pies, and the 4th of July barbecues and fireworks we have in our new backyard.