The ancients said,"a good word is warm in winter,but a bad word hurts people in June."Good words are like a ray of warm sunshine in winter;Like a drop of water in the desert;Like food when hungry.In short,good words can bring us endless power.
That time,it was"61".At that time,our class was having a performance."What to do,what to do.I'll be here soon.What if I break the jump?"I was very nervous and imagined many scenes after the jump.The more I think about it,the more I fear it.I can't wait to go back and practice it seven or eight times.At this time,the teacher noticed me,and she saw my uneasiness.So he strode towards me,patted me on the shoulder and asked,"what's the matter?I think you're afraid.Are you afraid of a small accident during the performance?"I didn't say anything but nodded at the teacher."It doesn't matter.Don't be nervous.It's OK to fail.After all,failure is the mother of success.I believe you will succeed.Come on!"
Although the teacher's words are just encouraging me,let me regain my confidence.But it has benefited me a lot.Although the final performance was not very successful,but the teacher's words were deeply imprinted in my heart,lingering.In the future,whenever I am afraid or uneasy,I will always use this sentence to motivate myself and regain my confidence.一句话的力量作文
Look.Sometimes a common word can bring us a lot of enlightenment and confidence.This is"the speaker is careless,the listener is intentional."The power of a word is really great.