    English Answer:
    "English Answer:"
    I have a special agreement with books. They are not just objects to me, but rather companions that I can rely on for knowledge, inspiration, and comfort. Books have always been a significant part of my life, and our relationship is built on mutual trust and understanding.
    Books have broadened my horizons and expanded my knowledge in various subjects. Whether it's learning about history, exploring different cultures, or delving into the depths of science, books have always been there to satisfy my curiosity. They have taught me valuable life lessons and provided me with insights that I couldn't have gained elsewhere.
    Moreover, books have been a source of inspiration for me. They have sparked my imagination and fueled my creativity. Whenever I feel stuck or in need of fresh ideas, I turn to books for inspiration. They have introduced me to different writing styles, helped me improve my own writing skills, and encouraged me to express my thoughts and emotions more effectively.
    Books have also been my solace during difficult times. When I feel overwhelmed or stressed, diving into a good book helps me escape from reality and find comfort. It's like entering a different world where I can temporarily forget about my worries and immerse myself in the characters' journeys. Books have a way of soothing my soul and reminding me that there is always hope, even in the darkest of times.