1. Failure to climb the Great Wall leave you incomplete. - 未登长城,不成好汉。
2. Only those who climb the Great Wall can truly appreciate its grandeur. - 见过长城之后,才算知道其真正的宏伟。
3. One must face challenges to become successful and overcoming the Great Wall is one such obstacle. - 要想成功,必须面对挑战,征服长城便是其中之一。
4. The Great Wall represents the strength and perseverance of the Chinese people throughout history. - 长城代表了中国人民历史上的力量和毅力。
5. Seeing the Great Wall is a must-do for anyone visiting China. - 来中国旅游,一定要游览长城。
6. Only by climbing the Great Wall can you understand the sacrifice and hard work that went into building it. - 只有登上长城,才能理解修筑长城的牺牲和艰辛。
7. The Great Wall serves as a reminder of China's rich history and cultural heritage. - 长城提醒我们中国丰富的历史和文化遗产。
8. Climbing the Great Wall is an unforgettable experience that should be on everyone's bucket list. - 登上长城是一次难忘的经历,应该列入每个人的愿望清单。
9. The Great Wall is a testimony to the ingenuity and innovation of the ancient Chinese people. - 长城是古代中国人才智和创新能力的证明。
10. The Great Wall is a symbol of Chinese unity and solidarity. - 长城是中国团结和团结的象征。
11. Without climbing the Great Wall, you cannot truly say that you have experienced China. - 如果没有爬过长城,就不能真正说你已经体验过中国。
12. The Great Wall is the embodiment of the Chinese spirit and national pride. - 长城是中国精神和民族自豪的体现。
13. Climbing the Great Wall is a physical and mental challenge that will test your limits. - 爬长城是一项身心挑战,将考验你的极限。
14. The Great Wall is not just a wall, it is a testament to the power of human determination. - 长城不仅仅是一堵墙,它是人类决心的证明。
15. The Great Wall is one of the greatest wonders of the world and a true icon of China. - 长城是世界上最伟大的奇迹之一,也是中国真正的标志。