牛津译林版八年级英语下册Unit 7 International charities导学案
课题:  Welcome to the unit
1. Enable the students to learn some international charities
2. Enable the students to raise their abilities of listening and speaking.
3. Enable the students to discuss how to help people in poor areas.
Enable the students to learn some international charities
Enable the students to discuss how to help people in poor areas.
A. 课前预习:
预习课本Page 87-88课文,将下列短语译成英文。(在课文中出并用直尺划出)
1.国际慈善组织                      2.零花钱                   
3.习惯于                            4.过去常常                 
5.医疗                              6.在餐馆的隔壁               
1. 学生自主讨论下列问题
What do you think people in poor areas need most?
2. 独立完成课本88页A部分的练习
3. Everybody has the equal rights to receive basic education. However, some children, especially those from poor areas, can’t go to school like us. We should try to help them go back to school.
  Mr Wu is asking the students about international charities. Listen to the tape and tell me how UNICEF helps people.
4. 小组核对答案
5. 组内读课本87页对话并回答问题
What is needed for charity?
What does Hobo want Eddie to do?
What does Eddie want to do first? Why?
How far will they go?
6. 小组核对答案
1.零花钱                     2.习惯于               
3.在饭馆的隔壁              4.吃一顿丰盛的午餐          
5.国际慈善机构          6.过去常常         
7.带某人去某地           8.医疗     
9.UNICEF                 10.ORBIS       
 1. Mr Wu is always k         (friendly, nice) to me.
 2. I usually buy books with the p        (bags in the clothes) money.
 3. We would like the better health c        .
 4. English is an i            language.
 5. I have only one ticket          (剩下)
 6. I’m sure you’ll be successful            (以后).
1.She used to    (run) in the morning,but now she is used to      (get)up late.
2.He is too tired          (go)any farther now.
3.Tom used to        (spend)very little time      (do) his homework.
4.There is nothing      (1eave)in the fridge now.
5.The young girl’s mother always    her to do good deeds.I think this is a good         education.    (education)

课题:Unit 7 International charities  Reading(1)
1. Enable the students to learn to guess meanings of new words from the context .
              2. Enable the students to learn to skim text for overall meanings and scan for details.
3. Enable the students to understand the structure of difficult sentences.
              Enable the students to learn to guess meanings of new words from the context .
              Enable the students to learn to skim text for overall meanings and scan for details.
Enable the students to understand the structure of difficult sentences.
A. 课前预习:
预习课本Page 94-95课文,将下列短语译成英文。(在课文中出并用直尺划出)
1. 教学中心              2.了解关于…的知识               
3.在录像上              4. 做手术          
5.对某人感激的         6.尽力做某事             
7.某人的疾病               8.继续开展某人的工作       
9.治愈病人                 10. 给某人做手术       
Answer the questions:
1.How many people does blindness affect around the world?
2.How many sick people can be cured or prevented?
3.Why do many people not receive medical treatment?
4.Why do ORBIS doctors prefer to work on a plane?
5.How many operations did Dr Ma perform during his last visit?
6.Is it hard work for him?
7.Is the plane only a place to perform operations?
8.How do people feel about their work?