教学设计_Unit 7 Will people have robots? Section B (2a-2e)_英语_初中
【教学内容】 Unit 7 Will people have robots? Section B (2a-2e)
【课    型】  新授课
1. New words:
    human servants  human  snake  shape  building  over and over again
2. Target languages: how to talk about the future and make predictions. (Will + verb)
1 Students can obtain information by reading
2 Students can improve their reading skills (scanning for the main idea, careful reading for detailed information and further understanding)
  1. Develop students’ imagination to make predictions about our future.
2. Encourage students to get ready for a better future.
  1. Tasked-based language teaching method
2. Students-focused teaching method
3. Competitive method
1. How to lead students to improve their reading skills smoothly.
2. How to get students to use “ will” to make predictions about robots.
1. How to stimulate students’ imagination.
2. How to get students to use “will” to make predictions about robots.
3. How to make students to understand the reading text deeply.
Step 1 Warm-up
  Round 1 Guessing game
Teacher’s activities:
Show some pictures of different robots and ask students to describe the appearances and their capabilities. Ask students to guess what the robots can do.
Students’ activities:
Describe the robots’ appearances and their capabilities.
Guess what the robots can do.
Step 2 Round 2 Matching game
Teacher’s activities:
1. Ask students to read the passage and match the correct main idea of each paragraph.(2b in the textbook)
2. Show different shapes and ask students to find which paragraph mentions each of them and match them.
Students’ activities:
八年级英语教学反思1. Read the passage and match the correct main idea of each paragraph.
2. Match the shapes with the paragraph.
Step 3 Round 3 Comprehension game
Teacher’s activities:
1. Ask students to find the capabilities of the robots.
2. Tell students to answer the following questions:
  Will robots do everything just the same as us human beings? Can you give an example?
  What will we do if everyone has his or her own robots?
  Do you think that’s a good thing that robots can do everything for us? Why or why not?
Students’ activities:
1. Find the capabilities of the robots.
2. Answer the questions
【设计目的】 先从书本上的基本知识点着手由易到难、由浅入深引导学生精读本篇课文以获取更细更深的信息。
Step 4 Designing game
Teacher’s activities:
Ask students to design their own robots and give a speech about the robots' appearances and capabilities.
Students’ activities:
1. Design their own robots    2. Give a speech
Step 5 Summary
Teacher’s activities:
In this class, we mainly learned different robots, their shapes and capabilities. Even we have designed our own robots. They are so wonderful that we will work and live with them in our daily life. However, we should n’t depend on robots too much because we are the owner of the future.
Students’ activities:  Self- evaluation
Step 6 Homework
Write a composition about your own future robots:
  Appearance    •  Capability      •  Other features
What are robots like in the movies?
Human servants
Help with the housework and do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places
What can robots do today?
Do simple jobs over and over again
Will robots be like in the future?
Walk and dance, but hard to think like humans
What will robots be like in the future?
Different shapes:
Humans,Animals like snakes
Help look for people under the buildings
学情分析_Unit 7 Will people have robots? Section B (2a-2e)_英语_初中
1、 创设各种情景,鼓励学生大胆地使用英语,对他们在学习过程中的失误和错误采取宽容
2、 为学生提供自主学习和直接交流的机会,以及充分表现和自我发展的空间。 
效果分析_Unit 7 Will people have robots? Section B (2a-2e)_英语_初中