Unit a space station 2.fall/fell in love with 爱上……
3.go skating/swimming/fishing /boating 去 /游泳/钓鱼/ 4.be able to 能……
5.the next World Cup下届世界杯
6e true 7.in the 在未来
8.hundreds of数以百计
9.in people’s homes在人们的家中
10.study at home computers在家中电脑上学习
11.be free自由,有空,免费的
12.a piece of paper一张纸
two pieces of paper两张纸
13.on a piece of paper在纸上
14.200 years old 活到200岁
15.100 years 100年后
16.more people 更多的人 17.people更少的人
18.less free time较少的空余时间
19.pollution较少的污染 20.in high school在高中 21.in 在大学 22.play the 弹吉他 23.tall buildings高楼大厦
24.live in an apartment住在公寓
25.near here附近
26.the answer to……的答案
the answer to the question
27.live 单独的居住 28.feel lonely感到孤独 29.hate to do=hate dong sth
30.keep a pet养宠物
31.keep sth for two days借某物两天
32.casual clothes随意的服装
33.dress 穿的随意 人教版八年级下期英语1-5单元词组归纳 day一天;(将来)某一天 might even甚至可能 next time下次 year明年 last time上次 year去年 this year
51.see sb doing sth看见某人正
在做某事(正在做)52.53.be used by sb被某人使用 most people绝大部分人
54.get ready to do sth
be ready to do sth
55.one’s own thing某人自己的东西
41.do sth for fun做某事为了娱乐
my own book 我自己的书
42.work for myself为自己工作
56.43.by oneself独自,独立(放句末)
science fiction科幻小说 help with sth帮助某事 help do sth帮助做某事 make sb do sth使某人做某事
57.I did the homework myself.我自己做作业。
58.59.44.d to do 需要做某事 wear a uniform穿制服 to the
60.try to do sth 设法努力做某事
for 61.do the same things as sb 与某人做相同的事情 vacations飞去月球度假 47.48.predict the future 未来 the head of…… ……的头头,……的领导 49.one of the biggest movie
62.this kind of robot 这种机器人
63.It’s difficult for sb to do sth 对于某人来说做某事是难的
65.50.see sb do sth看见某人做某
67.wake up醒来
wake sb up 把某人叫醒 huge arms巨手
do jobs做简单的工作
68.over and over 一次又一次 使某人惊奇的是
To my surprise ,we won the game.使我惊奇的是我们赢得了比赛。
11.play CDs too 放CD太响了 12.talk the phone 在电话上聊天 69.bored变得无聊 70.71.72.have sth to do有事情要做 seem possible似乎有可能 seem 似乎不可能
73.toothbrushes 电动牙刷 13.pay for/ paid for支付
Unit 2 1.out 不让进入
14.pay money for sth花钱买某物 15.get a job得到一份兼职工作
2.argue with sb about sth
16.have a bake sale出售烘烤面包
17.3.have an argument with sb
19.4.of style 过时了
20.6.call sb=ring sb
call sb up=ring sb up
21.return sth to sb归还某人某物
a tutor请家教 the same as---与……一样 fail the test=fail in the
with sb 打电话给某人
22.7.a ticket a ball game
not…… 直到……才 keep fit保持健康
as much as possible=as much
24.8.be surprised感到很惊奇 9.be surprised at sth对某事感到
25.惊奇 10.as one can尽可能多
as soon as possible=as soon
as one can尽早尽快
to one’s surprise
26.as many as possible=as many
as one can尽可能多 27.be too much pressure have too much pressure 在巨大的压力下 28.29. sb向某人抱怨 parents固执的家长 send sb to sp把某人送到…… all kinds of所有种类
42.the radio advice program 电台求助热线
43.44.join a club参加俱乐部 take one’s advice 采纳某人的建议
45.be popular with sb 受到某人的欢迎
46.tell sb to do sth叫某人去做某事 47.ask sb to do sth叫某人去做某事 32.A with B拿A与B比较
33. the one hand一方面
另一方面 organized(adj)activities 有组织的活动
48.a birthday party for sb
为某人计划生日聚会 49.50.everyone else别的每个人 I don’t know what to do 我不知道怎么办 51.52.a kid一个孤独的孩子 a lot of things you could do36.write to sb =write a letter to sb给某人写信
37.say sorry sb对某人说对不起 38.have money to do sth
你能做的很多事 53.d luck祝好运 good luck to you祝你好运 leave/left sth at home 把某物忘(落)在家中 have money for sth 有足够的钱做某事
39.pay for summer camp付夏令营的费用
40.borrow sth from sb向某人借某物
56.41.ask sb for help请求某人帮助
lose(lost)sth丢失某物 lose one’s way迷路
58.59.the same age me与我同龄 have a fight(n.)with sb fight(v.)with sb与某人打架
72.start from a very young age
73.a bit more time更多一点的时间
60.look for help寻求帮助 74.need time and freedom to 61.learn sth from sb向某人学某东西 relax需要时间和自由去放松
Unit 3 1.at the barber’s shop 62.learn to do sth学做某事 learn to 学会放松
at the barber shop 63.64.from A B 从A到B
at the barber’s take sb to piano lessons
2.get out of…从…出去
65.tired children疲惫的孩子们
3.take off/ took off 起飞,脱下
66.have a quick supper匆匆地吃晚餐
4.sb to do sth 67.It’s time for sth
it’s time to do sth
5.into the river跳进河里
6.up and down跳上跳下
It’s time class.7.shout at sb向某人吼叫(有恶意)
It’s time have class.8.shout to sb向某人大叫
9.run 跑掉,逃跑