童话故事7篇 中英互译 睡前小故事
The little cat liked eating fish very much, and she never satisfied. She always thought that if I could turn one fish into a lot of fish, it would be great!
One day, she heard that the little rooster planted a few sunflower seed in spring, and when autumn arrived, he received thousands of sunflower seed. After hearing the news, the little cat was delighted. The little cat hurried to find the rooster and asked him to teach her the good way to create this miracle.
Everything can be grown in the soil, and if you plant it in the spring, you fertilize it on time and you can harvest a lot in the fall. the rooster told the little cat.
小公鸡告诉小花猫说: 万物都可以在土中生长的,如果春天播种,按时浇水施肥,秋天就可以收获很多啦.
In the spring of the following year, the little cat dug a big hole in her own yard and planted a big, fat fish. Every day, she water and fertilize it. She was always thinking: I ve got a lot of fi
sh, I m gonna make a lot of fish.
In the fall, the little cat prepared a large number of baskets, and came rushing to harvest fish. But she had been digging on the ground for half a day, and there s nothing to dig out e_cept a few fish sticks. The little cat threw a shovel to the ground and said angrily: Well, the little rooster is bad, he s lying to me!
秋天到了,小花猫准备了很多很多的大箩筐,它兴冲冲地来收获鱼了.可是,她在地上挖了好半天,除了几根鱼刺之外,什么也没有挖到.小花猫把铁锹往地上一扔,它生气地说: 哼,小公鸡真坏,他在骗我!
At this point, uncle goat passed by. Knowing about the cat species, he laughed and said: Fish are living in the water. How did you grow fish in the ground? If you want eat more fish, you should go fishing by the river.
这时,山羊伯伯从这里路过,知道小猫种鱼的事情后,笑着说道: 鱼是在水里生活的,种在土里怎么可能变多呢,想吃鱼就去河边钓鱼吧.
The Little Bear In The Cave
Little bear lived in a mountain cave. Grandfather bear said to Little Bear: Go and build a wooden house to live in!
小熊一家住在山洞里.熊爷爷对小熊说, 你去造间木头房子住吧!
In spring, little bear went into the forest. The trees were full of green leaves, and he couldn t bear to cut them down.
In summer, little bear again went into the forest. The trees were full of fresh flowers, and he couldn t bear to cut them down.
In autumn, little bear went into the forest. The trees were full of hanging fruit, and he couldn t bear to cut them down.
中外童话故事 In winter, little bear went into the forest. Many little birds were living in the trees, and he couldn t bear to cut them down.