圣诞节介绍    一:[圣诞老人英文]关于圣诞老人英语作文带翻译
    I"m in grade 5. In recent years I have read a lot of reference books. There are Chinese, with English and Korean, vivid and interesting stories in the book touched my education I, has taught me to be the truth.
    Heard that a few days ago, I lived in the mountains of the children have no of extra-curricular reading, I think if I can send these books I read to them, they must be in the mind very happy. I decided to send them. But how to send? I asked many people. Some people say a car, but I can"t drive, too. Some people said the plane, but the plane was too expensive. Finally my father to e up with a good idea. The annual Christmas, let Santa Claus for help. After I listened to decided to call Santa Claus, I find out the number of books. Went to the s, detected the Santa Claus. I call Santa. About him in December 24 days, Qingdao gold frame home, help gold frame delay. Also specially asked him to take his BaLi car. Be there or be square.
    On December 24. White beard and white eyebrows, sit BaLi hoary-headed old Santa Claus, dressed in a red Christmas suits, really came to my home. We said hello to each other, he then asked me: "what are you doing about me here?" "Gift this Christmas I what all don"t. I just want you to help give these books to a mountainous area child, let them have a merry Christmas." I answer with a smile of assurance. Santa Claus drove walked away, I looked at him and felt happy.
    That night in the dream Santa give me a call, he told me: children to get the book, each with a smile, happy. Santa Claus touch head also smiled.
    12月 24日.白胡子,白眉毛,白头发的圣诞老人坐着耙犁,穿着红的圣诞服,果真来到了我家里.我们互打了招呼,他接着问我∶“你约我来这里做什么?”“今年圣诞节我什么礼物都不要.我只想让你帮把这些书送给山区的孩子,让他们过个快乐的圣诞节.”我胸有成竹的笑着回答.圣诞老人驾着车走远了我看着他的身影,心情无比高兴.
    二:[圣诞老人英文]圣诞节 圣经与英语
    西方人重大的节日之一———圣诞节,是为了纪念耶稣-基督(Jesus Christ)的诞辰。到了每年的十二月份,西方人都要忙于准备过圣诞节(Christmas Day),虽然现在其宗教的气氛淡得多,但圣诞节源于宗教是无可非议的。作为世界上最有影响的宗教之一的基督教(Christian
ity),其影响已远远超出了其创教地希腊及希伯来民族,这要归功于基督教的圣典———《圣经》(the Bible)。
    《圣经》不是某个人写的一本书,而是一个系列的有关经典,共有六十六本之多。前三十九本合称为《旧约》(Old Testament),完成于公元前一千年,用的是希伯来语。后二十七本合称为《新约》(New Testament),主要是用希腊语写的,成书约在公元后百余年间。《圣经》记叙了希伯来民族的历史,也反映了他们的宗教信仰。《圣经》因其影响早已超出了国家和民族的界限而成为人类共有的宝贵遗产之一。像《旧约》中上帝创造了人类,摩西出埃及;《新约》中“救世主”(Christ)的诞生,为拯救人类而被钉在十字架上等等,都已传遍了世界,成为老幼皆知的故事,也是广大文学家、画家、雕塑家经久不衰的题材。