The origin of the Christmas Eve(平安夜由来)
Christmas Eve is also common says Christmas Eve and the familyreunion, in the sitting room, will be around the tree to sing Christmas carolsand exchange gifts, and share the joys and sorrows of a life, express the wishand love. In that night will see a group of lovely little boy or girl, hand,playing a guitar, a poem of singing poems, a good tidings. What's this festivalis news of how come?
Jesus was born at a night in the wilderness, a flock of shepherds, suddenly guardheard a voice from heaven came to Jesus was born, they reported the news.According to the bible, Jesus came to the king of the world, therefore make theangel and through these shepherds message more people know.
Later, people will follow the angels, on the eve of Christmas nightBaoRen everywhere preaching Jesus was born, until today, Christmas caroling hasbecome the indispensable one program.
Usually caroling team is made up about twenty young, plus a readydressed as an angel of the little girl and a Santa Claus. In peace is aboutnine night after the start of a good tidings to. Whenever I go to a family newsteam, first will sing a few songs of Christmas, and then read the bible by thelittle girl GaiHu let people know the words of Jesus' birth day is tonight,after prayer to sing together two poem, again by generous Santa send Christmasgifts to the families of the sons of small hall, the whole process of carolingis finished!
The custom of Christmas eve(平安夜习俗)
1、 Christmas Eve is also regarded as a short day
In the UK, as in the days of work, and sometimes by banks andtrading companies as a short day (afternoon rest).
2、the Catholic Christmas season in Christmas Eve
The Catholic Christmas season begins in Christmas eve. Unless it wasSunday. A party is said to be in the morning of December 24th. However, it isnot permitted to attend a Christmas party before midnight.
3、Christians will participate in the midnight mass on Christmas Eveor party
Traditionally, many Christians will participate in the Christmas Evemidnight mass or gatherings, usually held in churches all over the world, toindicate the beginning of the Christmas day. Some churches will be held in theevening before the candlelight worship, u
sually there will be the birth of thestory of the drama of Jesus, also will enjoy a big meal, usually a turkey orham as the main course. Germany's traditional dishes are braised crucian carp.
4、giving apple
In the Chinese people will in Christmas Eve give Apple and Apple's'apple' with peace 'flat', homophones, therefore, onChristmas Eve to eat the apple also imply meaning of 'peace'
5、 held a spectacular masquerade, all night long to celebrateChristmas Eve is a happy, peaceful, Carnival of Christmas Eve, reunion night.
6、family reunion
The people of Europe and the United States thousands on thousands ofhome reunion be fatigued with the journey. Christmas Eve is essential for partyor party. Most European and American family reunion at home, ate dinner, andthen sitting beside a burning stove, singing and guitar playing, to renew theirgrandchildren.
7、a colorful socks hung on the bed
It is said that Christmas Eve night, Christmas husband guild drivinga reindeer sled loaded with gifts ready to send some of this year to show verygood little friend, he will quietly climbed into the house from the chimney,the gift stuffed in the bed socks. So, the children will always be the stripsof colour profusion stockings at the head of a bed, and socks next to put a cupof hot milk to quench their thirst toiled Santa Claus, and send gift toyourself.