    My Awesome Mom and Mother's Day Chores
    Mom is the best! She takes such good care of me and our whole family. She cooks yummy meals, helps me with homework, and gives the warmest, snuggliest hugs ever. Mom works really hard, so for Mother's Day this year, I decided to give her an extra special treat - a day off from doing any chores!
    The day started off with me making Mom breakfast in bed. I got up super early and tiptoed into the kitchen so I wouldn't wake her up. I made scrambled eggs by carefully cracking the eggs into a bowl and whisking them up real good, just like Mom shows me. Then I put a pat of butter in the pan and poured in the eggs. I kept scrambling them with a spatula until they looked fluffy and yummy.
    I put the eggs on a plate and added some toast that I made by putting the bread in the toaster. I spread strawberry jam on the toast since that's Mom's favorite. For a drink, I poured a big glass of orange juice. I put everything on a tray along with a little vase of daisies that I picked from the garden. I was so proud of myself for making a whole breakfast all by myself!
    Carrying the tray very slowly and carefully so I wouldn't spill anything, I walked into my parents' bedroom. "Happy Mother's Day, Mommy!" I shouted as I entered. Mom's eyes popped open with surprise and then the biggest smile spread across her face when she saw the breakfast I had made her. She gave me a tight hug and kissed my cheek.
    "Thank you, sweetie! This is such a wonderful surprise," Mom said as she dug into the eggs and toast. "Mmm, it's all delicious!"
    After breakfast, it was time to get started on the chores. First up was laundry duty. I gathered up all the dirty clothes, towels and sheets from around the house and took them down to the laundry room. Mom had shown me how to sort them into piles by colors and w
hites. Then I put a cap full of detergent into the washing machine and turned it on. Feeding the clothes into the machine one piece at a time was kind of tedious, but I knew I was helping Mom out big time.
    Once the washing machine was going, I moved on to cleaning the bathroom. I sprayed the counter, toilet and tub with the lemon-scented cleaner that Mom uses. It smelled so fresh and clean! Using an old toothbrush, I scrubbed all the nooks and crannies until they sparkled. I wiped everything down with a cloth until it gleamed. Looking around at the shiny, spotless bathroom made me feel proud.
    Dusting was next on my list. I grabbed the feather duster from the hall closet and got to work. I dusted all the shelves, end tables, window sills and other surfaces until they were free of dust bunnies and dirt. I lifted up little knick-knacks to dust underneath them too. Getting rid of all that built-up grime was so satisfying!
    In the kitchen, I loaded up the dishwasher with all the dirty dishes and ran it. While it was doing its job, I cleaned the counters and stove top by spraying them with cleaner and wipin
g them down well with a sponge. I swept and mopped the floors too until they looked spic and span. The whole kitchen was spotless!
    It was hard work, but I knew I was giving Mom a wonderful gift - a completely clean house and a day off from chores! She could just relax, put her feet up, and maybe read a book or watch a movie. After everything was sparkling, I presented Mom with a handmade card telling her how awesome she is. Seeing the big smile on her face and her eyes get a little misty made my heart swell with happiness.
    Mom really does do so much for our family every single day. From making healthy meals to keeping our home clean and tidy, she works her tail off! Doing all her regular chores for a day made me realize how lucky I am to have such a loving, hardworking mom. I felt proud and grown up to give her the gift of a day off this Mother's Day. It was a small way to show her how much I appreciate everything she does. I love you, Mom!
    My Super Special Mother's Day
    Yay! Mother's Day was coming up and I was so excited. Mother's Day is the bestest day of the whole year because it's all about celebrating my amazing mom. She works really hard taking care of me and my little brother every single day. On Mother's Day, I wanted to do something really special to show her how much I love and appreciate her.
    My teacher Miss Martin told us we should make homemade gifts for our moms this year. All the kids started talking about what they wanted to make. Billy said he was going to make his mom a ashtray out of clay (yuck, ashtrays are so gross!). Susie said she was going to make her mom a bracelet out of macaroni noodles. Those all sounded like pretty lame ideas to me. I didn't want to make my mom something boring like that. I wanted to give her the most awesomest gift ever!