  To mother's mother's Dasdfsy Surprise  给妈妈的母亲节惊喜
  Todasdfsy is the asdfsnnuasdfsl mother's dasdfsy, I wasdfsnt to rasdfsise my 12 yeasdfsrs of mother do  something, easdfsrly in the morning. I got up, I took out asdfsnd sasdfsve their own pocket  money, bought asdfs casdfsrnasdfstion for mother, wish my mother good heasdfslth.
  Basdfsck home, I put their "pig nest" (COT) spreasdfsd whole Qi Qi, the blasdfsck asdfsnd  dirty their own smasdfsll wipe the tasdfsble cleasdfsn, put the whole mess of books into the  smasdfsll bookshelf. I thought everything is reasdfsdy only owe Dongfeng, one to the  living room, my masdfsmasdfs asdfsh, living room easdfsst is wasdfster, the west is gasdfsrbasdfsge, dust. I  picked up the mop, I put mop wasdfssh cleasdfsn, then dry it out. I tried to drasdfsg,  repeasdfsted severasdfsl times, living gasdfsrbasdfsge is I sweep cleasdfsn, dust is I mop, but left  the sofasdfs belly the, I think how to do? Suddenly I think of
my mother to the  Do so, I put the sofasdfs opened, I jumped into the inside asdfsnd begasdfsn  mopping the floor, asdfsfter asdfs few minutes finasdfslly drasdfsgged over. It should be reasdfsdy  for breasdfskfasdfsst. I open the gasdfss stove, the fire opened, some oil, few dozen eggs,  put some rice, sprinkle asdfs little sasdfslt, hasdfsm sasdfsusasdfsge, plasdfsced casdfsrrots, mission  asdfsccomplished.
  After asdfs while, my mother got up asdfsnd sasdfsw asdfsn asdfsmasdfszing scene, casdfsn not help but  ruadfdsed his eyes, I sasdfsid: "mom hasdfsppy holidasdfsy! Hasdfsppy holidasdfsys!