Father's Day has passed for several weeks, and my heart is still echoed in that vibrant day.
That day my brother's Chinese books fell into school. I accompanied my brother to school to get the Chinese book. When we took the book to go home, my brother said he was thirsty. We went to the supermarket to buy a bottle of water and accidentally saw the watch inside. Thought, today is Father's Day, give my father the most handsome watch! My brother and I chose between left and right. We took a fancy on a black watch. A look at the list price, I was surprised by the "55 yuan". Although the price is not expensive, but for me or a primary school student, it is still too expensive. But I love my dad so much. Usually as long as I like things, no matter how expensive, my father will not be stingy to buy it for me. My love for him is relatively small. Thinking of this, although I am very reluctant to give up my pocket money. But I still willingly bought the watch.