【 导语】父亲的一生是光明磊落的一生,虽然晚年没有几个朋友但是父亲的为人正直善良是我永远的榜样。下面是整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!
I love my father. Although he is a little fat and he often comes home late, I know he is making money. Although he can't accompany me to the park, I know he loves me. Dad, I love you too. Happy father's Day! I know you can hear it. I know you're socializing again. Good night, Dad.
My father has a pair of black eyes, but his eyes are often suffused with red blood. His eye sockets are blue, showing fatigue and sleepiness for many days. There are more and more crow's feet in the corners of his eyes. Fortunately, Dad's big eyes are bright and deep, always shining brightly. With his gray rimmed glasses, he looks like a big doctor.
I remember at noon last Monday, the teacher assigned too many Chinese and math homework. I buried myself in hard work and finally finished my homework. Looking at my wat
ch, "Oh, it's almost two o'clock!" I was startled because I was most afraid of being late. I must not be in a hurry to walk to school. What should I do? By the way, ask dad to ride a motorcycle to see me off! My hanging heart fell to the ground slightly. When I ran into my father's bedroom, my father was still sleeping in! I pushed my father hard and gave an order: "Dad, come on! Take me to school!" Dad opened his tired eyelids, rubbed his bloodshot eyes, and reluctantly looked at me: "go on foot!" I was angry and shouted, "Dad, I'm not in a hurry!" Mom helped dad speak: "Dad went to the workshop in the middle of the night last night and didn't come back until 3:30. Just walk to school by yourself!" I was so angry that I ran to school. I thought as I ran: hum, smelly Dad! If you don't send me to school, see how I "clean up" you in the evening!
In the evening, I came home angrily. Dad seemed to have never happened. He was watching his TV leisurely and contentedly. His eyes glittered with more than a smile. Looking at my father's proud face, I said angrily, "smelly Dad! You look like you don't care about yourself!" Suddenly, my father looked at me with a smile: "Kai Jun, what kind of food do you have in the evening?" I thought dad ignored me! As expected, Dad's eyes were full
of loving light. I was influenced by my father's eyes and was stunned. Forget it, dad works too hard! He works during the day and doesn't go home until more than 10 pm. If there is a technical problem in the workshop, he has to deal with it in the middle of the night. My mother said that my father only slept for two or three hours last night, "I'd better forgive my father!"
父亲节英语作文I watched TV with relish. My father came up to me, rolled his smiling eyes, made a face at me, and then hurried to buy vegetables
The third Sunday in June, father's day. As my father's daughter, it's natural for me to be filial to my father. So I went to my mother to discuss how to make my father happy. However, my mother and I discussed for a long time, but we didn't come up with a way. Later, I came up with a good idea. I immediately said to my mother, "my father has a lot of beard and often grows out. And he is busy, so I want to buy a razor for my father. Let him shave his beard as soon as he is free. Mom, what do you say?" "Well, boy, it's nice of you to think of i
t!" Don't mention how happy I am.
So my mother and I came to a specialty store. There are so many things in that shop! But I thought I was here to buy a razor. So I went straight to the razor counter. I chose for a while and saw a silver shaver, which was both beautiful and practical, and the price was not expensive. So I took out the money I had accumulated from frugality, gave it to my boss, took the silver razor and left with my mother. Out of the store, my mother said to me, "it's not good to give your father something. Go and buy another one, okay?" "Yes, but I don't have much money with me." "That doesn't matter. I have money here." So I went to the blue house with my mother, a shop specializing in greeting cards and gifts. When I entered the store, I immediately began to choose. I chose a lovely little greeting card. After reading it, my mother said that my eyes are really good.
When I got home, I immediately wrote my blessing to my father on the card. Then I put it with the razor and waited patiently.
When my father came home from work, I immediately greeted him and handed him gifts an
d greeting cards. Father saw this particularly precious gift and couldn't wait to see it. When he saw the gift, his mouth opened into an "O" shape. After a while, he reacted and kissed and hugged me. My father also said that I have grown up and become sensible!
Father's Day is the third Sunday in June every year. On this day, I will think of my father. He is still busy every day. He always says "tired, overwhelmingly tired, tired every day." I always love him very much. At this time, I always think that my father is really like a mountain. No matter how tired and difficult it is, he can overcome it. I admire him very much.
"My father is a mountain, with its physique and majesty; my father is a mountain, with its strength and majesty; I used to stand at the top of this mountain, climb the Great Wall, swim the sea and see the famous mountains and rivers of the motherland." These words are not bad at all. My father is really capable, especially hardworking; My father is also very humorous, always joking with me and my mother; My father often takes us out to travel, go
for a ride on the beach, climb Mount Lushan and enjoy the great rivers and mountains of the motherland. My father and I have been together for many years, but he has worked in other places in the past two years. I miss him very much and miss him very much. I often bless him silently in my heart and wish him smooth work and good health.
I often think that he is alone and no one takes care of him. I feel that he must be very lonely and want to accompany him, but I usually have to go to school. If I could have an aircraft, I could fly to him and see him. How nice it would be! But none of this can become a reality. I can only say "happy holidays" to him in the microphone He didn't know that today was his holiday. My father felt both excited and excited when he heard my blessing.