【 导语】父爱就是一缕阳光,让你的心灵即使在寒冷的冬天也能感受到温暖;父爱就是易泓清泉,让你的情感即使蒙上岁月的风尘也依然纯洁明净。为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。
"There is only a father in the world, and a child with a father is like a treasure." when I sang this song, I couldn't help thinking of my birth.
When I was first born, everyone said I was a "grinding spirit". I always sleep during the day. I can't wake up even if I make a noise. I open my big eyes to play at night. Every night after eleven o'clock, I wake up and cry. As soon as Dad heard my cry, he immediately ran over, picked me up from the cradle and played with me all night. I had no choice but to sing to me and coax me to sleep. I would close my eyes and start to sleep. At that time, my father was always exhausted. He also lost more than a dozen pounds of meat when living a black-and-white life, but he had no complaints.
When I was in the first grade of primary school, the most unforgettable thing for me was that it was a cold night. I came out of my grandmother's house and suddenly it rained cats and dogs. The wind caught the rain and hit my face. It was cold and painful. I couldn't help shivering. "Is it cold?" Dad asked me. "Well," I replied. Dad immediately took off his coat, put it on me and picked me up. Suddenly, I feel so warm.
On the road, it rained harder and harder, and the wind blew harder and harder. When I saw my father frowning and shaking constantly, I asked loudly, "Dad, are you cold?" Dad said, "it's okay!" I don't know how long it took to get home. I saw that my father had become a "drowned chicken". The rain ran down his eyebrows, into his mouth and into his body
The next day, dad caught a cold. I asked my mother strangely, "didn't dad say he was okay? How could he catch a cold?" Mom smiled and said, "little fool, that's what Dad loved you and lied to you for fear of your illness." I suddenly realized that Dad's love is like this. Dad is so great!
Until now, I understand that my father's love is silent, priceless and never asks for return. U
nder the protection of my father, I grow up happily and healthily. I really want to grow up quickly. I want to repay my father's love with my own actions.
Everyone in life is praising the selfless maternal love, but forgetting the father's love silently dedicated in the corner! Father's love, father's love! Poetry recitation can't finish your sweat, add, subtract, multiply and divide, and can't calculate your endless love for me! I have meticulous maternal love for me. At the same time, I am also intoxicated in your generous mind, which makes my life full of joys and sorrows and sprays wonderful colors in my life.
I love your selfless mother, love your broad mind, you give me life; Give me happiness; I love my father's smile when you offer. You give me ups and downs and teach me the principles of life. I love you: that selfless heart! Grandma Bingxin once said, "father's love is not just in words, but in practical actions."
Until now, I have never forgotten the snow day that makes It was a snow night that made me sad. I braved the wind and snow to rush to the warm little home and saw my dear father warming by the fire. A burst of warm happiness blew in I was like a bird that needed to rely on, leaning on my father's generous shoulder and warming by the small and bright fire. I just thought: my father's love for me is warmer and thicker than this fire. My father worked so hard that I didn't think I was qualified to occupy the stove with most of my body, so I gradually moved my body aside so that my father could keep warm alone, so that my injured heart would be more lame. My father seemed to notice that my body trembled slightly in the corner. My father smiled at each other and entrusted his coat to me without saying a word. I looked at my father in tears, too excited to speak. My father thought I was getting colder and decisively took off his gloves and scarf and put them on my hands and head
This pure white scarf and gloves are as gorgeous as red father's love. Selflessness, no illusory fame, and silent dedication are called fatherly love. Yes, father's love does not lie in words, but in practical actions.
Father's love is often the most easily ignored, but it is the most unforgettable.
It is often said that father's love is like a mountain, deep and solemn; Father's love is like an umbrella, ordinary and great. In my memory, father's love is vague, and I don't even notice his love.
As the sun sets, the shadows of tourists are drawn long, while we are in the remote place of "Yilong" - the water world. We happened to pass by the iron cable bridge. It happened that we were going to pass from then on.
Under the trembling iron cable bridge is a fast river. People who are not regular visitors are easy to be afraid to pass on the way. This is because the front section of the guardrail is very high, which will gradually become shorter in the middle, which can be touched only when people squat down, and then gradually become higher in the future. We were all surprised by the bridge. No one dared to cross it. Later, because of my big words, I was for
ced to go together. Just two steps away, I took the opportunity to slip away and came back. Dad saw that no one dared to pass, so he passed first. At this moment, the bridge began to shake. My father stood for a little while and made difficult progress. The back under the sunset was full of courage and strength. I strengthened my courage and became the second challenger. At first, I stepped forward with confidence. In the middle, my heart was full of fear. Look below, as long as I accidentally fell, I would die!