At that moment, I realized that my parents were getting old. 那一刻,我意识到父母已经老了。
Their once robust figures had begun to show signs of age. 他们曾经健硕的身影开始显现出岁月的痕迹。
The lines on their faces told stories of hard work and sacrifice. 他们脸上的皱纹诉说着辛勤工作和无私奉献的故事。
Their hair, once so black and lustrous, was now streaked with gray. 他们曾经乌黑亮丽的头发,如今已夹杂着银丝。
I noticed their steps were slower, their backs slightly stooped. 我注意到他们的步伐变得缓慢,背脊也略微佝偻。
Their eyes, once so bright and lively, now held a certain weariness. 他们曾经明亮而充满活力的眼神,如今带着一丝疲惫。
I realized that they were no longer the invincible figures of my childhood. 我意识到,他们已不再是我童年时那些无所不能的身影。
They were growing older, and I was growing up. 他们正在变老,而我正在长大。
It was a sobering moment, a realization that time was not infinite. 这是一个令人清醒的时刻,我意识到时间并非无穷无尽。
I needed to cherish every moment with them, to show them more love and gratitude. 我要珍惜与他们相处的每一刻,向他们表达更多的爱和感激。
For they had given me so much, and I had taken it all for granted. 因为他们给了我太多,而我却一直理所当然地接受。
Now, it was my turn to give back, to be there for them in their twilight years. 现在,轮到我回报他们了,在他们晚年的时候陪伴在他们身边。