    As time goes by, I have noticed a gradual change in my mother's appearance. Her once vibrant and youthful face is now adorned with fine lines and wrinkles, evidence of the years she has lived. Her once dark hair is now streaked with strands of gray, and her movements have become slower and more deliberate. It is a bittersweet realization that my mother is growing older, and with that comes a sense of nostalgia for the days when she was strong and energetic.
    I remember how my mother used to effortlessly juggle work, household chores, and taking care of me and my siblings. She was always the one to lean on, the one who seemed invincible. But now, I see her struggling with simple tasks, and I can't help but feel a pang of sadness. It is a harsh reminder of the inevitable passage of time and the fragility of life.
    Despite the physical changes, my mother's love and wisdom remain unchanged. She still
offers her unwavering support and guidance, and her love for her family is as strong as ever. But as her child, it is difficult to witness her aging, and I find myself wanting to protect her from the challenges that come with growing old.
    As I watch my mother navigate the ups and downs of aging, I am reminded of the cycle of life. It is a natural progression, and I am grateful for the opportunity to cherish and appreciate my mother in every stage of her life.