    I remember the first time I realized that my mom was getting older. It was a few years ago when we were taking a family trip to the beach. We used to go every summer when I was a kid, and it was always so much fun. But this time, things felt different.
    As we were setting up our beach chairs and umbrellas, I noticed that my mom was moving a little slower than usual. She seemed to tire more easily and needed breaks more often. It was a stark contrast to the energetic and youthful mom I had grown up with.
    Throughout the day, I observed more signs of her aging. She struggled to carry the cooler, her hands trembled slightly as she applied sunscreen, and she even forgot where we had parked the car. These small moments made me realize that my mom was no longer the same invincible superwoman I had always seen her as.
    Over the years, I have noticed more changes in my mom. She now wears glasses to read,
and she often complains about joint pain. She has also become more forgetful, frequently misplacing her keys or forgetting appointments. It's a natural part of getting older, but it's still difficult to see my mom struggle with these things.
    Despite these physical and mental changes, my mom's spirit remains strong. She still loves to cook and bake for our family, and her homemade meals are always a hit. She also enjoys spending time with her friends, going for walks in the park, and watching her favorite TV shows. It's inspiring to see her adapt and find joy in the simple things.