    English Response:
    English Response:
    The moment I realized my mom was getting old hit me like a ton of bricks. It was during a family gathering, and as I watched her struggle with simple tasks, it dawned on me that time had taken its toll on her. I noticed how she moved slower, how her laughter seemed a bit more fragile, and how she sometimes forgot things she never used to.
    One incident stands out vividly in my mind. We were preparing dinner together, a task she used to handle effortlessly. But that day, she struggled to hold the chopping knife steady, her hands trembling slightly. It was as if her once steady grip was betraying her. Seeing her like that made me realize how much she had aged, and it hit me hard.
    Another moment of realization came when I found her sitting alone in the living room, staring out the window with a distant look in her eyes. She seemed lost in thought, perhaps r
eminiscing about her youth or pondering the passage of time. It struck me then how she was no longer the invincible figure I had always seen her as. She was vulnerable, just like anyone else.
    As I reflect on these moments, I can't help but feel a pang of sadness mixed with gratitude. Sadness for the inevitable march of time and the changes it brings, but also gratitude for all the years of love and care my mom has given me. She may be getting older, but her presence in my life remains a constant source of strength and inspiration.