哈特·克莱恩 英文诗歌
    Hart Crane (1899-1932) 是美国现代主义诗人,他以其复杂而富有音乐性的诗歌而闻名。下面是他的一首英文诗歌的全文和解读:
    "The Bridge"(《大桥》)。
    How many dawns, chill from his rippling rest.
    The seagull's wings shall dip and pivot him,。
    Shedding white rings of tumult, building high.
    Over the chained bay waters Liberty—。
    Then, with inviolate curve, forsake our eyes.
    As apparitional as sails that cross.
    Some page of figures to be filed away;
    —Till elevators drop us from our day . . .
    I think of cinemas, panoramic sleights.
    With multitudes bent toward some flashing scene.
    Never disclosed, but hastened to again,。
    Foretold to other eyes on the same screen;
    And Thee, across the harbor, silver-paced.
    Some motion ever unspent in thy stride,—。
    Implicitly thy freedom staying thee!
    Out of some subway scuttle, cell or loft.
    A bedlamite speeds to thy parapets,。
    Tilting there momently, shrill shirt ballooning,。
    A jest falls from the speechless caravan.
    Down Wall, from girder into street noon leaks,。
    A rip-tooth of the sky's acetylene;
    All afternoon the cloud-flown derricks turn . . .
    Thy cables breathe the North Atlantic still.
    And obscure as that heaven of the Jews,。
    Thy guerdon . . . Accolade thou dost bestow.
    Of anonymity time cannot raise:
    Vibrant reprieve and pardon thou dost show.
    O harp and altar, of the fury fused,。
    (How could mere toil align thy choiring strings!)。
    Terrific threshold of the prophet's pledge,。
    Prayer of pariah, and the lover's cry,—。
    Again the traffic lights that skim thy swift.
    Unfractioned idiom, immaculate sigh of stars,。
    Beading thy path—condense eternity: