    Title: Singing Cantonese with Translated Lyrics。
    Singing Cantonese is a popular activity among Cantonese-speaking communities around the world. It is a way to express emotions, tell stories, and connect with others through music. However, for those who do not speak Cantonese, it can be challenging to understand the lyrics and appreciate the beauty of the language. In this article, we will provide translated lyrics for some popular Cantonese songs, so that everyone can enjoy the music and understand the meaning behind the words.
    1. Beyond 光辉岁月 (Gwong Fai Sui Yuet)。
    The glorious years, we spent them together, through thick and thin, sharing joy and sorrow.
    2. Eason Chan 明年今日 (Ming Nian Jin Ri)。
    This time next year, even if there are countless sorrows, I still wish you happiness and success in all your endeavors.
    3. Sam Hui 听说爱情回来过 (Ting Shuo Ai Qing Hui Lai Guo)。
    I heard that love has returned, maybe it's still the same as before. I won't care too much, because I have already passed that age.
    4. Hacken Lee 红日 (Hung Yat)。
    The red sun shines on the earth, I love this land, I love this sky, I love this home.
    5. Denise Ho 记得 (Gei Dak)。
    Remember, the songs I sang for you, remember, the things I did for you.
    6. Jacky Cheung 吻别 (Wen Bie)。
    Kiss goodbye, from now on, your lips will never touch my face again.
    7. Alan Tam 恋曲1980 (Lian Qu 1980)。
    Love song 1980, what's left is memories, what's left is the past, what's left is you.
    8. Joey Yung 天窗 (Tian Chuang)。
    Skylight, let me see the sky, let me see the distance, let me see freedom.
    9. Leon Lai 忘情水 (Wang Qing Shui)。
    Forgetful water, let me be intoxicated, forgetful water, let me forget everything.
光辉岁月 歌词    10. Priscilla Chan 为爱痴狂 (Wei Ai Chi Kuang)。
    Madly in love, giving everything for love, madly in love, bravely moving forward for love.
    In conclusion, Cantonese songs are not only beautiful in melody but also rich in meaning. With these translated lyrics, we hope that more people can appreciate the beauty of Cantonese music and understand the emotions conveyed in the songs.