    I'm going to talk about the Qingming Festival, also known as Tomb-Sweeping Day. It is a traditional Chinese festival where people pay respects to their ancestors by cleaning their tombs and offering food and drinks.
    During Qingming Festival, my family and I usually visit the graves of our ancestors to sweep the tombs, offer incense, and burn paper money as a way to honor them. It's a time for us to remember and show our respect to those who have passed away.
    On this day, we also enjoy eating traditional Qingming snacks like Qingtuan (青团) and cold food (冷食) to celebrate the arrival of spring. It's a time for us to appreciate the beauty of nature and spend time with our loved ones.
清明日记    清明节是一个传统的中国节日,人们通过扫墓烧纸钱等方式来祭奠祖先。在这一天,我和家人通常会去祖先的坟墓,扫墓、烧香,烧纸钱,以表达对他们的敬意。