1.关于清明节的英语日记 篇一
  Today is Qingming Festival, my parents rest at home and climb Chenghuang Mountain together. Early in the morning, we prepared dry food and drinks and walked up the hill from the Drum Tower. Along the way, there were clusters of winter jasmine flowers on both sides of the mountain road, with yellow flowers blooming one after another, as if conveying the scent of spring to passersby. Before we knew it, we came to the King of Medicine, formerly known as the Huiying Temple, commonly known as the Pichang Temple. It was first built in the Song Dynasty. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Huiying Temple gradually evolved into the King of Medicine Temple, offering sacrifices to Bianque and Sun Simiao. What a coincidence! Today is Qingming Festival, and we can pay a tribute to the medicine king Shennong. So, holding three columns of fragrance in my hand, I came to the statue of Shennong and prayed that he could bless the health of our family. After the worship, we went down the mountain. On the road, I saw a lot of peach blossoms blooming on both sides of the road, like red clouds one after another.
  On the way home, I saw someone making Qingming dumplings with fresh wormwood. I quickly stopped to help them wash wormwood and make dumplings. In a moment, a cage of warm dumplings was ready. I quickly tasted one. The fragrant and glutinous skin and the sweet and fine bean paste were delicious!
  Although we didn't go out of town to play this Qingming Festival, we had the same fun and fun at home!
2.关于清明节的英语日记 篇二
  The annual Qingming Festival has arrived. In the morning, the sky is very dark, and it is drizzling. We go to the Meihua Mountain Cemetery in Ninghai with a yearning mood to worship our grandfather.
  On the way to the cemetery, there were countless people, some holding shovels, some holding flowers, some carrying vegetable baskets, and others holding various tomb sweeping items that I didn't know about. We queued up and boarded the free shuttle bus. A
long the way, I looked at the scenery outside the window, but my grandfather came to mind. My grandfather is a kind old man, tall and thin, with a full face and beard. When my mother told me that I was disobedient when I was a child, my grandfather pricked me with his beard, and I would be pricked and screamed. Grandfather is a master at cooking, and I like to eat Grandfather's cooking best. But my grandfather is in heaven now. I really miss you! grandpa!
  When I arrived at the cemetery, my parents placed fruit and lit candles and incense. I presented the flowers I bought personally to my grandfather and bowed three times, silently saying in my heart, "Grandpa, thank you for your careful care. I am now grown up, and although I don't remember your appearance, I will not forget you. I hope you have a good life in heaven."
  The candles and incense gradually burned out, and we reluctantly left
3.关于清明节的英语日记 篇三
  It is also the annual Tomb Sweeping Festival, which is a day of missing loved ones who have passed away. My parents, aunts, and uncles and I go to visit my grandfather's grave.
  The car ran all the way, and finally came to the cemetery of my hometown. On the open field, it looked very bleak. My father pointed to a grave in front of us and said, "This is your grandfather's grave, and he will rest here forever." So we took out the dark coins and "gold ingots" prepared for my grandfather and placed them in front of the grave. My father took out a lighter and lit them. Suddenly, ash and smoke rose everywhere. Our family knelt piously in front of Grandpa's grave. At this moment, I looked at the wisps of smoke rising from the grave, as if my grandfather's elderly figure and kind face appeared before my eyes. My parents and aunts both shed tears, and we silently prayed for Grandpa in heaven.清明日记
  When we left grandpa's tomb, everyone lost their usual laughter, their footsteps were heavy, and their hearts were also filled with a touch of sadness.
  Grandpa, how are you doing in heaven? Did you hear our prayers?
4.关于清明节的英语日记 篇四
  Today is Qingming Festival. On this misty and rainy morning, my father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, and brother and I went to the mountain to worship our ancestors. That morning, everyone got up early and we set off with many sacrifices.
  We advanced along the winding mountain road towards the top of the mountain. Although it was pouring rain in the sky at this time, and the road was muddy and difficult to walk, we still proceeded towards the destination step by step. After the rain, we overcame various difficulties and finally reached the cemetery of our ancestors. Looking up at the sky, standing in the cemetery of my ancestors, I can't help but think of a poem at this moment, "During the Qingming Festival, there are many rains, and pedestrians on the road are about to break their souls. By asking where the restaurant is, the shepherd boy points to the Apricot Blossom Village from afar.".
  Grandparents laid out all the sacrificial offerings, and everyone knelt down in front of their ancestors' graves. The deafening sound of firecrackers conveyed our grief and memory for
our ancestors. As the sky gradually darkened, our worship activity ended. Everyone quickly packed up their belongings and went down the mountain before the night came.
  The day of Qingming Festival was a day of hard work for me, but it was even more unforgettable. On this day, I miss and remember my ancestors even more. I am proud of their diligence and courage, and I am gratified by their tireless pursuit and struggle.
  Qingming Festival is an ordinary day, but it is also an unforgettable day for me. On this day, I seem to have listened to the instructions and expectations of my ancestors, and even more, my soul has been edified!