    In my mind, a good aunt is someone who is caring, supportive, and always there for you. She is like a second mother, someone you can rely on and trust. My good aunt is Aunt Lily.
阿姨我要    Aunt Lily is a warm-hearted and kind person. She always has a smile on her face and a positive attitude. Whenever I visit her, she greets me with open arms and makes me feel loved and welcomed. She is always interested in what is happening in my life and takes the time to listen to my stories and problems. She offers advice and guidance without being judgmental. I can always count on her to be there for me, whether I need a shoulder to cry on or someone to celebrate my achievements with.
    One of the things I admire most about Aunt Lily is her generosity. She is always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. For example, last year when my family was going through a tough time financially, Aunt Lily offered to help us out without hesitation. She not on
ly provided us with financial support but also cooked meals for us and helped with household chores. Her selflessness and willingness to go above and beyond for her family and loved ones is truly inspiring.
    Aunt Lily also has a great sense of humor and knows how to make everyone laugh. She has a collection of funny stories and jokes that she loves to share during family gatherings. Her laughter is contagious, and she brings joy and happiness to everyone around her. I always look forward to spending time with her because I know there will never be a dull moment.