    Auntie taught me and my friend how to plant flowers. It was a fun and educational experience. First, she showed us the different types of flowers we could plant in her garden. She explained the importance of choosing the right soil and location for each type of flower. We learned that some flowers prefer sunny areas, while others thrive in shade.
    Next, Auntie demonstrated how to prepare the soil. She taught us to remove any weeds or rocks and loosen the soil with a garden fork. Then, she showed us how to dig a hole for each flower and gently place the plant into the hole. She emphasized the importance of not overcrowding the plants and giving them enough space to grow.
    After planting the flowers, Auntie taught us how to water them properly. She explained that it's important to water the plants at the base, near the roots, rather than spraying water on the leaves. This helps prevent diseases and ensures that the plants receive enough water.
    Auntie also taught us about the importance of regular maintenance. She showed us how to deadhead the flowers, which means removing the faded blooms to encourage new growth. She also taught us how to fertilize the plants to provide them with the necessary nutrients for healthy growth.
    We had a great time learning from Auntie and spending time in her garden. It was a hands-on experience that taught us not only about gardening but also about patience and responsibility. We learned that plants need care and attention to thrive, just like any other living thing.