I was feeling really down when I realized that I didn't have enough money to buy my favorite soy milk. 我发现自己没钱买最喜欢的豆浆时感到很沮丧。
As I was standing in line at the grocery store, trying to decide whether to put the soy milk back on the shelf, a kind auntie noticed my hesitation. 当我站在杂货店排队时,试图决定是否把豆浆放回货架上时,一位和善的阿姨注意到了我的犹豫。
She tapped me on the shoulder and said, "Young one, I can see that you really want that soy milk. 她拍了拍我的肩膀说:“年轻人,我能看得出你真的很想要那瓶豆浆。
I've been in your shoes before, so let me treat you to the soy milk today." 我以前也有过和你一样的经历,所以今天就让我请你喝豆浆吧。”
I was so touched by her generosity and kindness that I couldn't hold back my tears. 她的慷慨和仁慈让我感动得忍不住掉下了眼泪。阿姨我要
That simple act of kindness from the auntie made me realize the importance of helping others in need. 那位阿姨的简单善举让我意识到帮助他人的重要性。
From that day on, I made a vow to pay it forward and help others whenever I can. 从那天起,我立誓要回报社会,尽我所能帮助他人。
The ripple effect of kindness can truly make a difference in someone's life, just like how the auntie's gesture made a difference in mine. 善行的涟漪效应确实可以改变某人的生活,就像那位阿姨的举动改变了我的一样。
I learned that even in the smallest of gestures, there lies great power to uplift and inspire others. 我明白了即使在最小的举动中,也蕴含着让他人振奋和感动的巨大力量。