【 导语】感恩是一种内心情感,一种自我良知,一种生活态度,一种处事方式!只有学会感恩,我们才能少一些抱怨,多一份快乐!学会了感恩,你就学会了洒脱;学会了感恩,你就学会了快乐;学会了感恩,你就学会了生活;学会感恩,你必将得到生活赐于你的阳光、爱和希望!以下是为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。
Everyone should have a grateful heart. Flowers thank rain and dew, because it moistens the growth of flowers; The goshawk thanks the blue sky, because it gives the goshawk the freedom to fly.
I am grateful to my parents, because they welcomed me with tears and happy smiles and gave me meticulous care. Let me grow from a born baby into a thoughtful and independent little girl.
I am grateful to my teacher, because she helped me open the door of knowledge, took me to travel in the orchard of knowledge, and picked golden fruits of knowledge. Let me grow from an illiterate child into a good student with knowledge and pursuit.
I am grateful to my friends, because they gave me the joy of life, they let me know the value of friendship. They gave me warmth when I was lonely. They shared my sorrow, and I often shared my happiness with them.
I am grateful to the people who scolded me. They made me realize my mistakes, made me grow up while constantly correcting my mistakes, summoned up courage and moved in the right direction. It was they who made me understand: "the fruit that has not experienced wind and rain will not be sweet, and the life that has not experienced failure will not be complete."
感恩节的英语I am grateful to those who have been helped by me. They gave me the opportunity to repay others, and also made me realize that helping others is wonderful.
With some longing and gratitude, I believe that the future steps will be more solid and powerful.
Who gave us life? Who touched your injured heart when you were wronged and sad? Who let us see this colorful world? Yes', this person is the mother.
I remember once, I had a math problem that I couldn't do. After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't think of it. When I asked you for help, you had to put down your hands, come to my desk, carefully read the problem again and again, and patiently said to me, "in fact, this problem is not difficult. If you think about it again, you might be able to remember it. Believe yourself." Hearing my mother's words, I regained my confidence. I quickly changed my thinking and finally solved the answer.
Because of my parents' work, I can only eat a small table every day. Whenever I get home in the afternoon, my mother always prepares delicious meals and all kinds of fruits for me, for fear that I will get angry and ill if I don't eat well outside. At this time, my heart is warm.
Mother's love, bit by bit in life. There is no lack of love in the world, but there is a lack of eyes that find love.
From birth to the present growth, after a long time. Along the way, you accompany. It is the rain and dew loved by our parents that nourish our growth. During this period, how much they paid, and we only enjoy love, but never return.
I remember when I was in Grade 5 of primary school, the teacher assigned homework: go home and say "I love you" to my parents. On this day, it was already dark when I came home, and only a full moon dominated the horizon, with dark clouds shrouded and looming from time to time. My mother took my bag, and my father took my coat, "go to dinner!", "We have been waiting for so long!"
Maybe it's because of adolescence. Hearing them say this, I feel particularly upset. "I know, I know, it's annoying!" With that, I walked straight back to the room and fell on the bed, feeling an unspeakable grievance in my heart. Turning over, I noticed the tidy room. Every week when I get home, I always make my room dirty and messy. Now, it's mom who cleans it up again. Thinking of this, my heart is sour.
When my parents came into the room, my father patted me on the shoulder. "What's the matter, kid? Tell me something." It's like a warm current pouring into the atrium.
"Dad, mom, I'm sorry!" I rubbed my eyes and sobbed softly.
Mom's mouth raised, "go to eat!" At this moment, I noticed that my beautiful young mother had silver on her head and wrinkles on her face. And I don't know when my father has become so vicissitudes. I couldn't help being moved.
Father's love is like a mountain, tall and towering, which makes me timid and afraid to climb; Father's love is like heaven, rough and far-reaching, which makes me look up and feel pity, and I dare not roar; Father's love is like a river, slender and endless, which makes me dare not set foot in it. From small to large, I grew up with the care and company of my father, bathed in father's love, and let me enjoy the sweetness of life and the joy of learning.
I remember once, I went for a walk with my mother and father in Wanda Square. Capricious, I didn't think it was necessary to wear more clothes. The temperature outside was very suitable for me. No matter how my father persuaded me, I stubbornly dressed cool and got on the car. After getting out of the car, my father found that I didn't wear a coat. He asked me anxiously, "is it cold, son?" Take off his coat and put it on for me. I said impatiently, "no, no!" But still defeated at the insistence of my father. I put on my father's clothes, which are as big as a costume. After putting them on, I tossed them a few times. If I add opera music, I can act. However, hiding under my father's big clothes, there is a warm current flowing in my heart, which is called "father's love". Seeing his father shivering in the wind, he suddenly felt that he was the happiest son in the world.