离职模板Dear all,
I have decided to leave XXX to take new challenges in XXX industry. Thanks for all your strong support in XX & XX business and I am going to miss all the happy hours we spent together!
XXX is a great company with great products and talented people, sincerely wish XXX and all of you a promising future!
Thanks & Best Regards,
Example 2
Dear All,
Today is my last working day in XXXX. I have decided to leave XXX to take new challenges in another company. I want to express my deepest appreciation to those who I worked with, supporting me, teaching me, encouraging me in the last two and half years. I will miss you and the time we worked together.
End is another beginning. I believe we will have cross path in the future. Please keep in touch.
Wish you all the best. Wish XXX continue success.
Thanks & Regards,
Example 3
Hi All,
It's time to say good bye. After X years working here, today is my last day in XXX.
The feeling is complex, but now don't know how to express myself.
In one word, thank you, my boss, colleagues, and friends, for all of your support during these years.
My mobile phone number is XXXXX, personal email address is XXXXXXX.
Keep in touch.
All the best,
Dear Friends,
Today is my last day in XXX. In the past years, with all of your great support, I had very good memories with all of you both in business and personal relationship. I just want to take this opportunity to thank you all and wish all of you a very prosperous 2015.
Anything I can help up in future, please always feel free to contact me. My mobile phone will remain the same.
All the best.
Best regards
Example 5
Dear my friend,
I’m feeling sad to say that today is my last working day in XXX.
In the past one and half fantastic years I learned a lot in XXX, and really had a good time with you.
Here I just wanna say thank you to you.
I’ll be missing you from now, and let’s keep in touch.
Best wishes to all of you.
Example 6
Dear friend,
Today is my last day in XXX. I am going to return the Ivory tower and recharge myself.
It’s hard to say good bye to you especially in a company in which I have been working for ten years since 17th July 2006.
I really appreciate the time and experience working with you in XXXX, where I was able to learn from you and collaborate with colleagues across the world.
I would like to take this opportunity to say Thank you, for your support, guidance and encouragement, which push me forward.
Please keep in touch
Example 7
Dear all,
Today is my last working day with XXX but I don’t want to make it sad.
I appreciate the time with XXX in the past 1.5 years; it was short but it’s remarkable for me, all coaches, achievements and friendships received will be sorely respected and remembered.
I’ll be in the same industry so I’ll see you very soon. If you’d like to stay in touch with me, you can find me here:
Wechat: XXX
Email: XXX
It’s a farewell but it’s not a goodbye, miss you all and I’ll meet you somewhere else.
Example 8
Dear All Friends,
The time has come for me to say goodbye!
I would like to thank you all for the many great experiences I have worked with you. My time here at XXX has been great and I am taking with me a lot of fantastic experiences, memories and friends.
XXXX is a great community. I want to wish you all the best in your futures and I hope our paths will cross again.
Tomorrow will be my last working day and I hope to stay in touch.  My e-mail address is XXXXX and WeChat is XXXX.
Best regards
Example 9
Dear friend,
Today is my last day with XXXXX.
It was very hard for me to leave this place where I have been working for X years.  I was so honored to meet and work with you during the past.
Hopefully our path can cross again in the future.
Take good care of yourself and keep in touch.
Example 10
Dear All,
As some of you may know, today is my last day in XXXX. But before I leave, I just would like to thank you for all the support and encouragement you have given me in the last XX years here. I have grown both personally and professionally by the awesome opportunities that XXXX has provided me and the amazing p eople that I’ve worked with. Once again, it has been a pleasure working as a member of this company and I want to wish everyone here the best luck for the future.
Hope that we can keep in touch, and my email address is below.
Best wishes to all of you!
Best regards,
Hi XX,
It was nice to have you in the team and thank you very much for your support during the years. Wish you all the best in your new mission.
Keep in touch.
Best regards
Hi XX,
It was always a great pleasure for me to work (and celebrate :-) ) with you. Thank you very much for your hard work and strong support for our customers. With you we are loosing an excellent engineer and an enthusiastic promoter of our products. I wish you much success and always good luck for your new venture.
All the best,