    I am the flower "Forget-me-not" after reading the book. The story revolves around a young girl named Anna who is sent to live with her strict grandmother in a small village. Anna is initially unhappy and lonely, but she soon discovers a hidden garden where she finds solace and happiness. The garden is filled with various types of flowers, each with its own unique characteristics and stories.
    As "Forget-me-not," I symbolize remembrance and true love. Throughout the story, Anna learns the importance of remembering and cherishing the people and moments that are dear to her heart. Just like the flower's name suggests, she understands that forgetting is not an option, and she must hold onto the memories that bring her joy and comfort.
    The author beautifully portrays the power of nature and its ability to heal and uplift the human spirit. The garden becomes a sanctuary for Anna, allowing her to escape the hardship如果我是一朵花
s of her daily life and find peace within its colorful blooms. The flowers in the garden serve as companions and guides for Anna, teaching her valuable life lessons and helping her grow emotionally.
    Furthermore, the story explores themes of family, friendship, and forgiveness. Anna's relationship with her grandmother evolves throughout the book, as they both learn to understand and accept each other. The friendships she forms with the other characters in the village also play a significant role in her personal development.
    Overall, "I am the flower 'Forget-me-not'" is a heartwarming and touching story that reminds us of the importance of love, memories, and the beauty of nature. It teaches us to appreciate the small joys in life and to never forget the people who have made a lasting impact on our hearts.