Junior high school, such a dazzling word, behind it, contains a lot of self-consciousness and independence. After entering middle school, everything has changed. Without the nagging of our parents, we no longer play. We only outline the blueprint of our junior middle school career and live our ideal life on paper. ‎
我理想的生活My ideal life is gorgeous. It is full of happiness everywhere. Free and happy angels live in every corner, releasing brilliant brilliance.
In the morning, take your textbook to the classroom, open your book in your seat, carefully taste the scenery in the book, enjoy the long history, watch wonderful creatures, and then explore freely in the mathematical world and fly happily in the English kingdom. When the teacher walked into the classroom, he slowed down his pace and let his music play slowly with the teacher's rhythm. ‎
When the scorching sun rises in the air and I take a lunch break, I will close my eyes, recall t
he knowledge I have taught, and let all my thoughts float in In class, I will listen carefully and slowly input the knowledge I have learned bit by bit into my mind; You should also write down the relevant contents of the text in your exercise book and open it at any time. In the self-study class, I will no longer quarrel and laugh with my classmates like I did in school. I will open my books, carefully review the knowledge I learned this day, clarify the problems I didn't understand in class, explore and communicate with my classmates, and then carefully figure them out and record them in my mind. ‎
I will also carefully understand the learning environment of the middle school, establish new friendships among the students, show myself in the new group, study hard and achieve good results! ‎
This is my ideal junior high school life! ‎