My Ideal University Life
University life is considered to be the best period of life. It is the time when we not only get knowledge but also gain valuable experience. Everyone has their own ideal university life.
我理想的生活My ideal university life involves getting knowledge, making new friends, having health, doing physical exercise and being active in academic societies on campus.
First of all, I would like to acquire profound and comprehensive knowledge in my areas of interest. I will study hard and do some research projects so as to lay a good foundation for my future development. I will also attend all my classes and learn to manage time away from leisure, which will help me set goals and achieve them eventually.
Moreover, getting along well with others and making new friends are essential to study in the university. Different views, information, and opinions can enrich us and broaden our horizons. I will join some student groups and sports teams, inviting friends to participate and talk to eac
h other.
Besides, I will keep myself healthy. Health is the support of knowledge, and only when I am healthy, I can concentrate on obtaining more knowledge. I plan to have healthy and nutritious meals and keep a reasonable diet. Also, I will spare some time to do physical exercises,which is beneficial both mentally and physically.
Finally, I would like to be active in some academic societies so as to gain more practical experience. I will join in the discussion teams, participate in guest lectures,and build up my career plan. By doing this, I can make myself a better equipped manpower for the future career.
In conclusion, a good university life requires study, health and good friendships, and I should try my best to enjoy it fully.