My ideal high school life is a cheerful, talking to the students; my ideal middle school life is beautiful, there are amiable teachers; my ideal middle school life is lovely, a beautiful campus.。.
The flight of time, Time flies like a shuttle. In the blink of an eye, I grew up from a previously ignorant one. When the new semester starts, I step into the school gate. When I came to the classroom door, I was overwhelmed with a lot of strangers. Looking at it, I know that my deskmate is a girl. She is so beautiful. In class, we both listened carefully. After class, I asked her if I didn't understand. She didn't understand and asked me. We became a bunch of good friends. Why, why is she so like my primary school classmate, Xu Xiaolan?
Soon, the severe political teacher came. He is very serious on the surface. Actually, he is very good for us in private. If I have questions, I will ask him. He always teaches me with kindly words. No matter how many times I ask, that's the same. It's a good teacher.      The first time I came to this school, I didn't enjoy the school very much. Here is a beautiful place with beautiful trees and beautiful scenery. It's really a good place to learn. Lunch break or Sunday came here to review homework, so the heavy learning pre
ssure was also thrown away. In addition, the playground is good, too. It's easier for people to learn in such a school.
My ideal middle school life is like this: there are classmates who have talked, there are amiable teachers, and there are beautiful campuses. How I wish it all was true.
With time goes by, it becomes a bit hard for me to remember everything about myself at the first day of my college life. However, there was one thing for sure that I did feel quite excited and curious about my university. There is no doubt that students like me have struggled for a long time so that can be permitted to enter the university.
Bringing with expectation, I got into Zhejiang Gongshang University. Generally speaking, its an interesting and fantastic place for us to study and live in. Every day a series of outgoing people get into my eyesight. Curious and out of politeness, Id talk to them heart to heart. Here I make friends with my new classmates from everywhere around China. Whats more, time and weather permitting, I will enjoy jogging or playing basketball with my classmates on the playground, tired but happy. When staying in dormitory, I choose to read news online and sometimes watch a film
for relaxing. However, a good student can never leave his study behind. When it comes to study, hard problems never upset me, instead they arouse me. Rather than ignoring it, Id think carefully for a while and ask my classmates for help.
To be honest, there are some things I don’t deal with properly. For instance, once I spent nearly a whole day playing computer games. Personally, we university students are already adults and its our obligation to develop ourselves in college by learning new professional skills. Not until we take a right attitude towards our study and life can we win a rich and colorful experience in college.
I have studied very hard just to realize my future dream. I want to make a lot of money and make my parents live the comfortable life.
They have sacrificed so much for me, so I really want to return them. The biggest dream for me is to travel around the world. I am so crazy about the diversity of the world, so I want to see its beauty. This
is the ideal life for me.
I once watched a movie named “Dead Poets Society” 。Some words in it had left a deep impression on me, namely “seize the day”。Exactly, life is wonderful while time is fleeting. 3 month have passed since the day when I entered the college. This term will have ended by Janaury , 20某某. So I need to seize each day of my
college life.
To make full use of my college life and lead an ideal one, I
shall design a blueprint of this period.
At the beginning of this semester ,my teacher asked we freshmen,“what’s the most important thing in college?” “Of
course ,it’s study.” I answered. As a student, I come to school to obtain knowledge, not for other purposes. I’ll set up my mind to learn my major well, ranking in front. Because I’m not good at
math , I need to set aside some time to make up for it 。I swear to myself :I must overcome the difficulty 。In addition , since I have interest in English ,I’d love to study English as my second
major 。And I’m aimed at getting a bachelor’s degree.
Important though study is ,it’s not the whole of my life 。Time permitting , I definitely will participate in as many activities as
possible 。You know , the score doesn’t represent a person’s
ability 。By taking up various activities ,I can develop myself in more respects. Besides , I want to practice my drawing ability 。
It’s not only because my major is Architecture , but I also want my life artistic and poetic 。 When
I’m idle, I can draw some pictures. It’s poetic, isn’t it?
While all these aren’t the most basic, we can do other things on condition that we have a healthy body 。 Health is to me what water
is to fish 。 So I will take more exercise to build up a strong constitution 。In my ideal life , when individual study is over , I will go to the playground , and jog for a few laps 。 Day by day ,I will grow stronger , then I can be energetic enough to realize my dream.
All above is just about myself 。But living in a society ,each person is a small unit, thousand of units consist of a group 。He should make contributions to it, whether the contributions are great or little 。So I hope to become an honorable communist as early as possible 。 I will stick to the principle required and do what I can to help others within my reach.All in all , I wish my college life could be arranged in good order 。Not only can I learn well , but I can also have fun while increasing knowledge 。 In the ideal college life I assume, I can find a point to balance different
我理想的生活relationships 。 I can handle everything confidently and without haste 。I can live up to the expectation of the people who love me 。So many I-cans ,but I can’t take it for granted 。 After all ,reality differs from dream 。 Anyway , I have faith in myself.
Mysterious life continuing , I will go on seeking for the fortune somewhere along the road , and let the dream of my college
life come true 。I will make my life spectacular!
Time flies , I will seize the day ! THANK YOU.
To begin with ,I‘d like to say this is a good topic for me to describe what my ideal college life may be.
It’s no doubt that college life is the most fantastic times during the whole life. It provides you with open environment to show your personality and competence.
I had much image of college life before I went to college. I thought college life was wonderful with freedom, less pressure and happiness. However, my mind has changed since I attended college. I consider that my ideal college life should be spent like this:
Firstly, I should guarantee my study which is regarded as the most important mission to me. I wish I can be taught by more qualified teachers and listen to the lectures given by knowledgeable professors. Therefore, they can deliver their thoughts to me to broaden my horizons. Besides, it’s lucky for a student to be admitted into the ideal major following his or her first choice. As for me, I hope to learn finance and obtain proficient academic knowledge.
Secondly, I should take part in comprehensive activities, including English competition, football or bask
etball game, kind of clubs and so on. What’s more, taking part-time job is also a good choice to deal with plenty of t ime. Most importantly, it’s a good way to improve my abilities and eich my experience. In a sense, the      participant can get-round development.
The last is related to habitation. I wish for comfortable dormitory with necessary facilities including desk, chair, toilet,