My favourite book by Mark TwainMark Twain,one of the most important writers in the history of American literature,is well known for his local color.During his writing career,a lot of novels were written,such as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,The Million Pound Note and so on.Many people said that The Adventures of HuckleberryFinn is the best work that Mark Twain ever produced,however,my favourite book by Mark Twain is The Million Pound Note.The Million Pound Note tells a adventure story of a poor guy named Henry Adams who came from American.A maritime disaster let the poor guy stay in London.One day two rich men made a bet.These men lent a cheque of 1 million pounds which could not be draw out from bank to Henry.They want to know how can Henry live only with this chaque in a month.To their surperise ,Henry did not died of hungery or arrested by the ploiceman during one month.What’s more he fell in love with a beautiful girl and got his fame and wealth.I like this book very much not only the romantic story of Henry ,b
ut also the human nature of the people in the story.Twainsaw clearly the great changes in nation’s
economic development and political life.With the
development of modern society,many people lost their heart in money.The peopl’s heart is
greedy,can never be contened.But Henry kept his
words.Mark Twain still hope to see people can overcome the money and kept their human nature.In this
story ,Twain observe carefully and describe those trait very precise.To sum up,this story is a really good work of Mark Twain.The lesson I’ve learnt frommakes me want to be an honest man sincerely and lets me not to worship money.After all ,money is not everything.
My favourite book by Mark Twain Mark Twain,one of the most important writers in the histor
y of American literature,is well known for his local color.During his writing career,a lot of novels were written,such as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn ,The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,The Million Pound Note and so on.Many people said that The Adventures of HuckleberryFinn is the best work that Mark Twain ever produced,however,my favourite book by Mark Twain is The Million Pound Note.The Million Pound Note tells a adventure story of a poor guy named Henry Adams who came from American.A maritime disaster let the poor guy stay in London.One day two rich men made a bet.These men lent a cheque of 1 million pounds which could not be draw out from bank to Henry.They want to know how can Henry live only with this chaque in a month.To their surperise ,Henry did not died of hungery or arrested by the ploiceman during one month.What’s more he fell in love with a beautiful girl and got his fame and wealth.I like this book very much not only the romantic story of Henry ,but also the human nature of the people in the story.Twain
saw clearly the great changes in nation’s economic development and political life.With the development of modern society,many people lost their heart in money.The peopl’s heart is greedy,can never be contened.But Henry kept his words.Mark Twain still hope to see peopl
e can overcome the money and kept their human nature.In this story ,Twain observe carefully and describe those trait very precise.To sum up,this story is a really good work of Mark Twain.The lesson I’ve learnt from makes me want to be an honest man sincerely and lets me not to worship money.After all ,money is not everything.
从实际出发,就是要把客观存,这在的事物作为观察和处理事物的根本出发点,在是马克思主义认识论的根本要求和具体体现。实践是检验真理的唯一标准。实践是人们改造世界的的客观的物质性活动,具有直接现实性的特点。一般说来,如果在实践中达到了预想的结果,那么人的认识就被证实了,就可以称为真理性的认识;如果失败了,并且不是由于认识之外其他原因所引起的,那就是错误的的认识。所以,实践 的直接现实性的特点,是作为检验真理标准的主要根据,使他成为最公正的审判官。就像《百万英镑》,对于“金钱是万能的”。很多人为他是真理,可是当它被放到实践生活中去实践的时候,很容易的看出它是错误的 观点。因此,我们必须把实践对真理的检验,看作是全部人类的实践,即无数个别的,历史发展的,整个社会的实践对真理的检验。