Book Review on The Old Man And The Sea
A man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated. These two sentences are so familiar to us. Its spoken by Santiago, the hero of The Old Man And The Sea. 老人与海英文读后感When I first read this book in Grade 5, I was shocked by his brave and staunch spirit.
This book tells us a story about an old fisherman called Santiago. He had been fishing 84 days without catching any fish at all. However, he made his mind to get a big fish. In the 85th day, after a long fighting, he eventually caught a big Marlin fish, which will be an honor to him. Unluckily, several sharks came to the boat and ate the dead fish. Although Santiago struggled to fight with them, tired out, they ate it at last. In the end, Santiago carried the shell of his Marlin fish home.
This book tells the story with the time order, using a unique tough style. It perfectly shows the hero Santiago’s strong mind with a concise plot and lively words. On the other hand, Hemingway tried harder to describe the big body of the Marlin fish and the fierceness of the sharks. It stresses his character in return. In my opinion, this book is not famous for its theme
s, but also for its writing style, a kind of tough style.
The brave fisherman Santiago is also an image to reflect the author himself. Hemingway has attended the world war and got injured several times. So this book is like an autobiography of him. In my opinion, Hemingway and his hero Santiago represent the kind of man, who has full energy to overcome any obstacles, brave spirit to respond to any challenge and a strong mind never to give up.
Sometimes life is like a round of push and pull. The winner will never be the weak or the timid, it belongs to the hero. The obstacles in your life are like the big Marlin fish and the huge sharks. It is actually tough and endless. But try not being afraid and never give up. Each obstacle is a kind of challenge, thus our life is colorful.  Even if they defeat you, don’t step back. Think about Santiago’s words “A man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.” You will eventually defeat your enemy one day.