    My Favorite Book: The Old Man and the Sea
    One of my most favorite books ever is The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway. It's such a cool story about this really old fisherman named Santiago who hasn't caught any fish for like 84 days! Can you imagine going that long without catching a single fish? I probably would have given up way before then. But Santiago never lost hope.
    The book takes place in Cuba, which is this island country near Florida. Santiago is a kind old man who is really poor and unlucky when it comes to fishing lately. None of the other fishermen want to go out with him anymore because they think he's bad luck or something. He only has one friend left, which is this little boy named Manolin who used to go out on Santiago's fishing boat every day until his parents made him start going out with a more succ
essful fisherman instead.
    But Manolin still looks up to Santiago and really cares about him. He helps carry home Santiago's empty fishing supplies and prepares food for him. I thought that was so nice of Manolin to stay friends with Santiago even though he couldn't fish with him anymore. It shows what a good kid Manolin is.
    Anyway, one day Santiago decides he's going to sail out further from the shore than he ever has before to try to break his bad luck streak. And you'll never believe what happens - he finally hooks an enormous marlin! A marlin is this giant fish that looks kind of like a swordfish. Santiago had been fishing his whole life and had never seen one that huge before.
老人与海英文读后感    The marlin is so strong that it actually starts dragging Santiago's little fishing boat out to sea. Can you imagine a fish being strong enough to pull an entire boat?! That's how big this thing was. Santiago holds on as hard as he can, but the marlin keeps swimming further and further away from land for two whole days and nights. Santiago is all alone in the ocea
n that whole time just trying not to lose the fish.
    Finally, on the third day, the marlin gets tired out enough for Santiago to kill it with a harpoon and lash it to the side of his boat. But that's just the start of Santiago's troubles! Sharks start attacking the marlin's body tied to the boat as he tries to make his way back to shore. He has to fight off sharks for another two days and nights to keep them from taking his catch.
    By the time he finally makes it back, the sharks had eaten everything but the marlin's skeletal remains. You could tell Santiago was exhausted but I was so proud of him for never giving up on that fish even when it seemed impossible. When the other fishermen see the marlin's giant skeleton, they are in shock and have a ton of respect for Santiago after making fun of him for so long.
    I loved this book because it showed that if you work really hard and never give up on your goals, you can accomplish amazing things, even if people tell you you can't. Santiago was all alone for days fighting that marlin and then the sharks, but he did it through his cour
age and commitment. He's like a real-life superhero in my eyes!
    The story also teaches you that you shouldn't make fun of people for being unlucky or going through a rough time, because you never know when their luck could change. The other fishermen looked down on Santiago for not catching anything recently, but then he caught the marlin of a lifetime. It made them feel pretty bad about making fun of the old man. You should treat people with kindness no matter what.
    Another cool thing about the book is how it describes nature and the ocean in a very poetic way. I felt like I could really picture Santiago out there alone on the sea. Hemingway writes about the different ocean currents, the colors of the water, the stars at night, and all the sea creatures Santiago sees in such vivid detail. It's like it puts you right there on the boat experiencing everything he went through.
    The ending was pretty sad when Santiago makes it back to his hut alone and goes to sleep feeling defeated even though he accomplished something incredible. But the last line gives me hope that he'll go out and have another amazing adventure. It says "He was still s
leeping on the bob-tailed nubs of the sterns and the high sun was whitening the broken concrete of the terrace" which to me means a new day is starting so Santiago can go after another big dream.
    Overall, The Old Man and the Sea is an awesome book that inspires you to work as hard as you can to make your dreams come true like Santiago did. I love how it shows the beauty of nature and has a main character who never gives up no matter what challenges come his way. If you haven't read it yet, you definitely should! It's now one of my favorites of all time.