1.老人与海英语读后感 篇一
  In this summer vacation, I read a book called "The Old Man and the Sea". This book is written by the American writer, Ernest. Hemingway wrote about an old man's fishing experience.
  An old man was fishing alone at sea for 84 days without harvest, but his hope and confidence never disappeared. When he finally caught the sailfish, he found that the fish was too big to accept. Instead of giving up, he tried his best to wrestle with the big fish for two days and nights, and finally stabbed him to death. Unfortunately, the old man was attacked by a shark on his return voyage. He tried his best to fight and was tired to vomit blood. Finally, he only harvested the skeleton of a sailfish. But even so, he did not lose hope and confidence. He is still preparing to go to sea with the boy again, which is the most exciting part of "The Old Man and the Sea". Austerling once said, "This story is a song of praise, which never yields even if the result is nothing, praising the moral triumph of failure.".
  The story of "The Old Man and the Sea" has great educational significance for us, and it is worth learning and thinking about this spirit of perseverance and striving to fight against fate in our lives.
2.老人与海英语读后感 篇二
  The story of "The Old Man and the Sea" is as follows: An old man named Santiago has not caught any fish for 84 days, but he does not lose heart and does not give up. So he went fishing again. This time, the old man caught a big marlin, but on his way back, he was attacked by a shark. The old man fought hard against the shark.
  Finally, the old man failed and returned home with only a fish with a head, tail, and bare spine left. However, "People are not born for failure, a person can be destroyed, but cannot be defeated!" This is the spirit of the tough guy that this book is about to tell everyone!
  After reading "The Old Man and the Sea", this indomitable spirit has also influenced me. Once, while jumping on a long rope during a big break, I was jumping in high spirits when I
suddenly tripped over the rope and fell to the ground with a "plop" sound, feeling like crying.
  But at this moment, the shadow of the old man appeared in front of me, and the words he said, "A person can be destroyed, but cannot be defeated," also rang in my ears. So I gritted my teeth and climbed up, although tears were still swirling in my eyes, I endured the pain and joined the team of jumping the long rope again.
  After reading "The Old Man and the Sea", I know I should learn from the old man's indomitable spirit of never giving up!
3.老人与海英语读后感 篇三
  A few days ago, I saw a news that the United States held a very interesting Hemingway imitation competition to commemorate him. So I thought of Hemingway and his "The Old Man and the Sea.".
  "I slowly moved my mouse and drifted on the Atlantic Ocean with the old fisherman. The
warm Mexican current brought abundant bait, as well as flocks of fish. It was destined that an unusual event would happen. A huge hooked fish dragged a boat for a few days at sea, escaping while encountering a fight from sharks.". What does a short novel, a special experience, and a simple plot reveal?
  The love of the old man for children, the sea, and even the fish in the book cannot be ignored. I believe it is sincere. When the shark attacked the fish, his heart ached, but he also understands that in order to survive, he must not do so. This is life, a life full of contradictions.
  Isn't that the same with reality? A complex world can never accommodate a simple and innocent heart. Perhaps this world is advancing in contradiction!