After reading the exhibition, I lamented that the children's commendable works can create such works at their age. Especially for primary school students, I admire their teachers' hard work. The types of works in the exhibition include calligraphy, ink painting, paper cutting, pottery, printmaking, sketch, gouache, watercolor and so on.
There are also many children's paintings showing the "original ecology" in this exhibition. The students' usual classroom homework, especially the low-grade students in primary school, has maintained the "original ecology" of children's paintings because their painting activities are less affected by improper education.
This exhibition has set up a stage to show "original ecology" children's paintings. It is hoped that in all kinds of competitions in the future, children's paintings inclined to "original ecology" will be more, so that students can feel the joy of success and the fun of communication in a good social atmosphere.
With excitement, I went to Yancheng Convention and Exhibition Center to visit the Chinese ink painting exhibition. When I came to the exhibition center, I saw many paintings displayed in the exhibition hall through the glass door. I wanted to put on my wings and fly to the painting immediately.
After entering the exhibition hall, ink paintings were displayed in front of me. Among them, I like the "Eight Immortals map" best. You see, the eight immortals are all lifelike. They are sitting in the shade and resting, talking to each other about their journey across the sea.
During the visit, experts in ink painting also introduced us to various painting methods of Chinese painting. We have heard of the combination of Chinese and foreign painting and ancient painting for the first time.
After the exhibition, we reluctantly left the exhibition hall and went home. This activity is really unforgettable.画展观后感
Entering the exhibition hall, large-scale artistic masterpieces bring "irreplaceable" enlightening things to people. Taking ink as color and color as ink, they overlap and penetrate each other. The picture feels contemporary and contains multimedia artistic elements. It shows the progressive thought, advanced consciousness and vivid charm. Its theme is the artist's emotional catharsis and open mind. This realm comes from the integration of Confucianism and Taoism.
From many works, we can see the painter's cultural heritage and artistic foundation.
After reading the calligraphy and painting exhibition, I feel very good. I can enjoy art, see hard masterpieces and see the colorful world! Maybe I should see more and walk more, get rid of my narrow self, seriously absorb the nutrients of knowledge and roam in the ocean of culture!