【Explanation】: Described as very happy.
[Exit]: Yuan Wang Shifu "The West Chamber" fourth fourth fold: "I am now the wife of his wife, the name of the county king, no matter how to be joyous, two hands and pro-pay him."
[Grammatic]: united; predicate, attribute, adverbial;
【Explanation】: Described as shocking and happy, it is difficult to self-sustaining.
[from]: Qing Yu Park owner "night tan with the record armor girl": "The juvenile had to answer, surprise mad."
Grammar: Partially formal; predicate, object;
Thank you
[Interpretation]: Gossip: The ancients gave the girl a tile to play, hoping that she would be able to work as a woman worker in the future. It was often used to congratulate a family-born girl.
[Out of]: "Poetry Xiaoya Stefan": "is a woman who is born, containing land, carrying clothing, carrying the tile.
Happy smile
【Explanation】: Described as very happy
[from]: "The selection of Yuan Qu Guan Hanqing <Butterfly Dream> four"
Holding a bright color
[Interpretation]: Described as receiving a notice of appointment
[From]: The Preface to the Postscript of Liu Hanping's Biography
All happy
[Explanation]: All: All. Everyone is happy and satisfied.
[Out of]: The Diamond Sutra: "All are happy and abide by."
Grammar: Partially formal; predicate, object, attributive; referring to everyone happy and satisfied
【Explanation】: Described as very happy.
[Exit]: Yuan Wang Shifu "The West Chamber" fourth fourth fold: "I am now the wife of his wife, the name of the county king, no matter how to be joyous, two hands and pro-pay him."
Grammar: united; as a predicate, attributive, adverbial;
【Explanation】: Yang Yang: proud look. Filled with a happy look or atmosphere.
[Out of]: Song Fan Zhongyan "Yueyang Tower": "Dens House is also a relaxed and happy, forgiveness is forgotten, the wine to the wind, and their joyful."
Grammar: subject-predicate; predicate, attributive, adverbial;
【Explanation】: Hi brow, smile in the eyes. Describes a smiling, very happy appearance.
【Grammar】:Combined; as attributive, adverbial, complement;
Happy smile
【Explanation】: Yan Kai: The face is open and means smiling. Described as happy, smiled.
[Out of]: Qing Li Zhenzhen's "Mirror Flowering Edge" on the ninth back: "through the archway, people come and go, do not laugh."
Grammar: united; as a predicate, attributive, adverbial;
Yiyi Yixi
【Explanation】: When you are happy, you are very beautiful when you are happy.
[from]: Yuan Wang Shifu "The West Chamber" first off the first: "Yeah, who thought of the temple in the face of immortals! I see him should be suitable for the spring and the wind should be suitable for spring, side should be posted affiliated."