  按照中国的传统习俗,腊月二十三,也就是小年这一天,是祭拜灶神的日子。为了让灶神爷上天为咱多说好话,需供奉灶糖等祭品~ 除了祭灶神,从今天起春节就真的离咱不远了,小伙伴们也该准备起来,所以,除旧迎新,扫除走起~
Traditionally Xiaonian is an important time for people to give sacrifices to the Kitchen God. He looks after the family’s fortunes.
Besides, don’t forget to clean your home. Sweeping the dust means wiping away the old days and welcoming a new start. Now, the last thing for you to do is to wait for the coming Spring Festival!
Paste up/stick spring couplets/scrolls
日本古代发型Chinese characters that are auspicious for the coming year are generally written on two pieces of red paper with ink and a brush, and glued by the sides of the doors.
Paste up/stick the character of fu
The character fu, or “happiness” is usually written on red diamond-shaped posters. They are usually stuck upside down on the doors. This is because the Chinese character dao (upside down) has the same sound as another dao, which means “arrive”. Placing fu upside down symbolizes the arrival of happiness.
战狼2百度网盘      放烟花/鞭炮
灶糖Set off fireworks/ firecrackers
Chinese people traditionally set off fireworks during Spring Festival, in the belief that this helps scare off the Nian and brings good fortune at the beginning of the year and good luck throughout the year.
Pay lunar New Year’s calls/visits; give Spring Festival greetings         
It’s important that you pay relatives and friends a new year’s call during the holiday. This is done at people’s homes from New Year’s Day to the 15th day, or the Lantern Festival. People give each other best wishes and gifts. This is also a time for the younger generation to bow or kowtow to the elders for health, good fortune, work, and so on and to get a red package in return.
Lucky money/ red envelop
For many young people, Chinese new year is just as much about yasuiqian — money in red envelopes traditionally given to children. On the Chinese mainland, kids get red envelopes at home from their parents and relatives. In Hong Kong, it is also customary to give Lai See (利是), a gift of money, to anyone in your personal service, such as nannies and cleaners.
樱花几月开      过年禁忌
New Year taboos
      过年虽然是一个放松的时候,但是也不是百无禁忌。首先一点就是语言上忌讳。过年的时候像“死”、“失败”、“病”这样比较晦气的话不能说 。
Words can reflect New Year taboos. People tend to, for example, avoid negative words, such as “failing”, “dying”, and “illness” during New Year’s celebrations. Breaking a dish is another taboo in some places, because it implies that you will not have a thing to eat.
People do not carry the garbage out or clean the house on New Year’s Day or for the rest of the Spring Festival holiday, for fear of sweeping away good luck. 
People usually get a haircut before the lunar new year's eve because it is said that getting one's hair cut in the first lunar month puts a curse on one's maternal uncles.