1. Pinch(v.) - 捏
He pinched his arm to check if he was dreaming.
2. Twist(v.) - 扭
She twisted the knob to open the door.
推敲的近义词3. Poke(v.) - 戳
The child poked his finger in the cake to taste it.
4. Squeeze(v.) - 挤
She squeezed the sponge to remove the excess water.
5. Scrunch(v.) - 捏碎
He scrunched the paper into a ball and threw it away.
6. Pull(v.) - 拉
We need to pull the rope to move the heavy box.
7. Press(v.) - 按压
He pressed the button to turn on the television.
8. Tug(v.) - 拉扯
The dog tugged at the leash, trying to break free.
9. Tweak(v.) - 轻轻拧动
She tweaked the knob to adjust the volume.
10. Nudge(v.) - 轻推
He nudged his friend to get his attention.
11. Flick(v.) - 轻弹
She flicked the light switch to turn it off.
12. Crumple(v.) - 弄皱
He crumpled the paper and threw it into the trash can.
13. Grasp(v.) - 抓住
She grasped the doorknob and turned it.
14. Rub(v.) - 擦
He rubbed his hands together to warm them up.
15. Pin(v.) - 别住
She pinned her hair up with a hairpin.
16. Prod(v.) - 刺
He prodded the steak with a fork to check if it was cooked.
17. Push(v.) - 推
We need to push the car to start it.
18. Sway(v.) - 摇摆
The trees swayed in the wind.
19. Shake(v.) - 摇晃
He shook the bottle to mix the ingredients.
20. Twist(n.) - 扭动
Give it a twist to open the jar.
21. Squeeze(n.) - 挤压
Give the tube a gentle squeeze to dispense the cream.
22. Scrunch(n.) - 聚拢
She gave her shoulders a little scrunch to relieve the tension.
23. Tug(n.) - 拉扯
He felt a tug on his sleeve, and turned to see his friend.
24. Pop(n.) - 弹出
The sound of a pop alerted everyone in the room.
25. Tap(n.) - 轻叩
He gave the door a gentle tap with his knuckles.
26. Rub(n.) - 揉搓
She gave her temples a gentle rub to ease her headache.
27. Pinprick(n.) - 针孔
He felt a pinprick on his finger when he accidentally touched a needle.
28. Stab(n.) - 刺
He felt a sharp stab in his side and winced in pain.
29. Swoosh(n.) - 呼啸声
The swoosh of the wind made it difficult to hear.
30. Slam(n.) - 砰然声
The door closed with a loud slam.
31. Pinched(adj.) - 穷困的
They had a pinched existence, barely making ends meet.
32. Twisted(adj.) - 扭曲的
The tree had twisted branches, giving it a unique shape.
33. Squeezed(adj.) - 挤压的
The squeezed tube of toothpaste was almost empty.
34. Crumpled(adj.) - 皱巴巴的
The crumpled newspaper was tossed aside.
35. Bumpy(adj.) - 崎岖的
The road was rough and bumpy, making the ride uncomfortable.
36. Jagged(adj.) - 锯齿状的