弟弟爱上    英文回答:
    Sister: My little brother is such a joy to have around. He always makes me laugh with his silly jokes and funny antics. We have a great bond and enjoy spending time together.
    Brother: My sister is my best friend. She is always there for me and helps me with my homework. We play games together and she teaches me new things. I love her so much!
    Sister: 妹妹和弟弟的关系真的很好。他总是能让我开心,他的笑话和滑稽的举动总是让我笑不停。我们之间有着很好的纽带,喜欢一起度过时间。
    Brother: 我的是我最好的朋友。她总是在我身边,帮我做作业。我们一起玩游戏,她还教我新的东西。我非常爱她!