选修六  Module 6
(2022·济南市教学质量调研考试)Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg __1__ (recent) surprised Chinese students when he spoke to __2__ in Chinese. In a talk at Tsinghua University in Beijing, Zuckerberg spoke Chinese for about 30 minutes. __3__ his Chinese was far from perfect, students and faculty cheered his effort.
Clayton Dube is the head of the U.S.­China Institute at the University of Southern California. He praises Zuckerberg's effort and thinks more American CEOs should learn foreign __4__ (language).
“To speak Chinese __5__ (mean) you begin to think as Chinese people do. You begin t
o understand how Chinese speakers have the world __6__ (organize), and how they understand things. And that is a vital step if you're going to be culturally qualified.”
Zuckerberg's talk raises a larger question: Is Chinese the language of the future? Could it replace English __7__ the world's international language? Chinese already has the most native speakers of any language. And, China may soon pass the United States as the world's __8__ (large) economy.
The study of __9__ Chinese language is increasing in the United States and around the world. In 2009, about 60,000  __10__ (America) college students were studying Chinese. That is three times as many as in 1990.
1.recently 依据句意可知,Facebook创始人Mark Zuckerberg最近用汉语同中国同学对
2.them speak to sb.同某人说话,为固定短语。依据语境可知,此处应使用代词指代Chinese students,且为复数概念。故填them。
3.Although/Though 依据句意可知,尽管Mark Zuckerberg的汉语说得远不够完善,但是师生们还是为他的努力而感到兴奋。两个分句之间是让步关系,故填Although/Though。
4.languages 依据语境可知,Clayton Dube表扬Mark Zuckerberg的努力,他认为更多的美国CEO应当学习外语。此处的外语是复数含义。故填languages。
5.means 依据句中动词begindo的时态可推断,此处应用一般现在时。不定式To speak Chinese作主语,谓语动词应使用第三人称单数形式。故填means。
6.organized 依据句意可知,此处指学习汉语可以让人开头理解说汉语的人怎样组织这个世界。have sth. done……被做,为习惯用法。故填organized。
7.as 依据句意可知,此处指汉语能否代替英语成为国际性语言。replace ... as ...替代……成为……”,为固定用法。故填as。
8.largest 依据句意可知,中国可能不久就会超越美国成为世界上最大的经济体。故填形容词最高级形式largest。
9.the 名词language前有Chinese修饰时,需要使用定冠词the,特指汉语这种语言。故填the。
10.American 修饰college students用形容词American(美国的,美国人的)。
(2022·大庆高三其次次质检)Beijing has lots of famous tourist attractions. Every year many tourist come here to enjoy its beautiful scenery and rich culture. But several years ago, visitors behave badly. Some talked loudly in public and threw litter everywhere. Some picked flowers, cutting down trees and hurt animals. And even better, some painted on the walls and smoked in the woods.
Luckily, things has changed. Rubbish is always put into dustbins. People are friendly at animals. Everybody smokes in the woods. All these changes make us hap
pily. As student, I think we should know it's our duty to protect the environment. Let's to change our behavior when we travel.
第十二句:As 后加 a
第十三句:去掉 to
Boys and girls,
Spring has come.____________________________________________________________
Li Hua
Boys and girls,
Spring has come. It brings us warm sunshine, green grass, colorful flowers as well as sweet taste of air. It is the very time to refresh us from tiredness. In order to gain the best physical and spiritual state for further study, I propose all of us go outdoors to take part in more activities, such as spring outing, jogging, mountain­climbing, cycling and so on, which can rest our body and mind. With these activities, we can enjoy the country life, away from city noise and dust. We can also feel physical and mental pleasure. Thus we are sure to be more energetic and obtain high learning efficiency. So for the benefit of ourselves, go out and jump in the fresh right now.