The relationship between man and nature can also be said to be the relationship between man and material. Some people have very low requirements for material things. But today, most people have become more and more demanding for material things under the urging of the economy and society. We have no time or mind to think about whether it is really necessary to buy an item and whether it can be used for a long time, but whether it can be affordable.
The relationship between man and nature is not unimportant, but very important. In previous dynasties, due to the limitation of productivity, when the population reached a certain number, it would lead to war for food. Today, our productivity is developed, and in terms of planting, it is unprecedented. All of our arable land sowing and spraying use intelligent products, and the tractor of arable land is unmanned, The aerial medicine spraying aircraft is also unmanned, and is controlled by an intelligent system, which is more accurate and faster. Therefore, it is necessary to provide us with a stable living environment and no longer worry about food.
But the material materials people need for life are not only limited to food, but also many other things. Sometimes when I have not earned enough money to buy these things, we hope that if these things are also very rich, it would be great.
When we have this idea, it means that we have only considered one side of the matter, but not the other side of the matter. We have developed the environment to meet people's material needs, but at the same time, in the process of development, we have also caused great damage to the environment we live in. When we have rich materials to meet our vanity, But we have not seen the harm of environmental pollution to our health.
The earth is our home and our society is a part of nature. I think people should live in harmony with nature First of all, all the living materials we need come from nature, and we should also give back to nature rather than just take them. For example, we should diversify trees and take effective measures to protect the environment. In addition, the population should be controlled In addition, as the population has grad
ually increased, the living materials needed by human beings have also greatly increased, resulting in too much pressure on nature. In order to develop in a longer time, the growth rate of population must be controlled We all come from nature and call it our home, so we must do our best to protect it
Man does not exist independently in the world. To survive in society, people must obey social rules. Think more from the perspective of others, and be able to understand others' feelings. The relationship between people will be more harmonious.
人与自然的作文Man and nature. In the face of problems, we can often not stay out of the way. It is easy to blame others from our own perspective, while the other party must be uncomfortable. If we can face problems rationally and find ways to solve them, especially thinking about each other in the collective, things will be easier to do.