In2019,we sweated and we toiled as we pressed ahead with^concrete efforts for achievements.Thanks to our steady pursuit of high-quality development,China's GDP is expected to edge close to100trillion yuan with the per capita figure reaching the level of10,000U.S.dollars.Sign讦icant breakthroughs have been achieved in three tough battles.^Coordinated development in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region,the Yangtze River Economic Belt,the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area,and the Yangtze River Delta,all3)accelerated.Ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River basin have become national strategies.About340 impoverished court t ies and more than10million people have bee n lifted out of poverty.Our lunar probe Chang'e-4,for the first time in human history,landed on the far side of the moon;the Long March-5Y3rocket was successfully launched; the Xuelong2icebreaker set sail on its maiden4)voyage to the Antarctic;the construction of the global network of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System is sprinting towards the finish line;the commercial application of5G accelerating;the Beijing Daxing International Airport spread its,wings ..all these achievements are the result of the efforts and
and Chinese strength.
e most memorable moment o
f 2019 was the
celebrations for the 70th anniversary of the founding of the
People's Republic of China. We cheered for the glorious
achievements the People's Republic has made over the
past 70 years, and were overwhelmed by the sheer force of patriotism.The formations during the military parade were powerful, and the mass pageant thrilling. Tiananmen Square was turned into a sea of happiness.All of China was arrayed in red with proud smiles on all faces as the song “My Motherland and I ” played throughout the streets and alleys. Patriotic feelings brought tears to our eyes, and patriotic spirit forms the backbone of the Chinese nation. All these merge into a surging current that sings an ode to New China and inspires us to work harder in the new era, filling us with boundless energy.
2020 will be a year of milestone significanee. We will finish building a 5)moderately prosperous society in all respects and realize the first centenary goal. 2020 will also be a year of ^decisive victory for the ^elimination of poverty. The bugle has sounded. United as one, we shall work harder. The greater the difficulties, the further we advance, standards as scheduled.
strengthening our weak links even more and laying a more solid foundation to win the hard battle against poverty with determination, to lift all ^impoverished rural reside nts and coun t ies out of poverty by cur r e nt Human history, like a river, runs forever, witnessing both peaceful moments and great disturbances. We are not afraid of wirds and rains, or any kind of difficulties. China is determined to walk along the road of 5) moderately ['modarstli] adv.适度地 6) decisive [di'saisiv] adj.决定性的7) elimination [ijimi'neijn] n.消灭,根除 8) impoverished [im'povQriJt] adj.
peaceful development and will resolutely safeguard
peace and promote common development.We are willing to
join hands with people of all countries in the world to build
together the Belt and Road Initiative,and push forward the building of a community with a shared future for mankind,and make unremitting efforts for the creation of a beautiful future for mankind.