10月11日,诺贝尔文学奖(Nobel Prize in Literature)揭晓,莫言成为首位获得该奖的中国作家,而人们对其作品的评价如何呢?
Mo Yan has become the first Chinese national to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.
“Through a mixture of fantasy and reality, historical and social perspectives, Mo Yan created a world reminiscent in its complexity of those in the writing of (American writer) William Faulkner and (Columbian writer) Gabriel García Márquez, at the same time finding a departure point in old Chinese literature and in oral literature,” said the award statement released on Oct 11.
“I grew up in an environment immersed with folk culture, which inevitably comes in to my novels when I pick up a pen to write. This has definitely affected, even decided, my works’ artistic style,” Mo told a group of reporters in his hometown of Gaomi, Shandong, shortly after he won the award.
Although China boasts a tradition of literature and scholarship, few writers have won international acclaim. For this reason, the Nobel Prize in Literature has always been an aspiration for Chinese writers.
“I really didn’t see this coming,” Lu Jiande, director of the Institute of Literature at the Chinese Academ
y of Social Sciences, told 21st Century. “I know Mo Yan pretty well and one thing a lot of people don’t know is how good he is with words.”
莫言获奖“His calligraphy is surprisingly beautiful. In his writing, he can make words live and breathe,” Lu said. “He is far ahead of other Chinese in the sense that he takes the critical perspective inside first, starting from criticizing himself in
stead of the outside world.”
Mo created a cast of colorful characters and said that if there was a prototype, it would be the abandoned “black boy” who first appeared in the 1985 novel Red Transparent Radish, which bears imprints of the author’s childhood.
Mo dropped out of school and became a cattle herder as a child. At 20, he left his hometown and joined the army.
Gaomi county is where most of Mo’s stories happen. It’s a place that has inspired him throughout his 31-year writing career.
Many got to know of Mo through director Zhang Yimou’s film, Red Sorghum. It was adapted from his 1986 novel of the same name, bringing to life a visual landscape of red sorghum fields and a fiery setting sun. Set in Gaomi, the novel tells the story of a sedan carrier who saves the bride he is carrying from bandits and later marries her.
Mo left the army in 1997 and gradually developed a writing style all of his own. History, family sagas, blood and violence are frequent elements in his most famous works, such as Big Breasts and Wide Hips or Sandalwood Penalty.
Some critics point out that Mo’s works have a tendency toward vulgarity.
In an interview with South China Morning Post, Professor Xiao Ying of Tsinghua University said the award was “outside of my expectations, as Mo Yan’s works are still short on the idealism of pursuing humanity, which marks previous Nobel literature prize winners”.
“Mo Yan’s works are rather vulgar and dark and lack a sincere sympathy and respect for human beings and life,” Xiao said.
Lu said Mo’s works had a richness and complexity beyond the publicity his books usually enjoyed. However, he also pointed out that “in general, Chinese literature tends to be overly admiring of sheer power, and unquestioningly approving of human desire and materiality.
“We haven’t been critical enough of the weakness, dark side and distortion of human nature,” he said.
So, whose money is it?
中文 英文 双语 2012-10-17    来源:Wang Zi 21st Century Staff      阅读数:75915 字号 [大] [中] [小] 打印
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导读:相信理财是许多大一新生的一块共同心病。此前自己的经济大权一直由家长掌控,而步入大学后,他们发现如何独立理财着实是件棘手的事(hot potato)。
Shen Junyi’s online “shop” provides a stable income every month, even though it only has a single customer – her mother.
The 19-year-old freshman at Shanghai University “sells” her monthly expenses online, exclusively to her parents of course, as a creative way of financing campus life in Shanghai.
Managing budgets has long been a headache for freshmen, according to experts. Mostly supported by their family, college students find it challenging to deal with their finances and the surveillance of their patrons.
The administration’s ban on college student credit cards has not kept Li Jianxing, a freshman at Shaanxi Normal University, from getting a supplementary card through his father’s credit account.
Even so, the 18-year-old hates it. Every time Li swipes the card, his parents call to check what he purchased and, more annoyingly, why.
“I feel like they’re spying on me,” says Li. “Plus, they can check my whereabouts simply through short messages from the bank.”
At least there is some good news for Li: He has not yet exceeded his monthly budget of 2,000 yuan since becoming a college student, whereas many of his peers are struggling with financial crises from overspending.
According to Zhu Hanyu, from the general management office of Xinjiang Agricultural University, it is quite common for students to lose control of their finances on campus.
“Before college, everything is taken care of by parents and family,” said Zhu. “Now, without an appreciation for budget control, they are running out of money before they even know it.”
This is why Zhu thinks parental control over their offspring’s budget is necessary.
Gao Min from the student affairs office of Shenzhen University, however, disagrees. He said that learning to spend and save money is the most pressing lesson for freshmen to gain independence.
“Experiencing the anxiety and pressure of bad financing is good for students to learn,” said Gao. “Students have been controlled for too long.”
Some students say that parental control actually causes them more pressure on campus.
Qu Xingxin’s parents request an accounting record of daily expenditures from their son every month. The 19-year-old freshman at Jinan University says it takes a lot of time and energy to record every trivial purchase.
“I understand that my parents worked hard to support my studies, but I feel that I am still a high school student who has to report everything back to my parents.”
Gao suggests that consistency and communication would help both freshmen and parents.
“Students need to show parents that they can keep on top of a budget by restraining their spending habits,” said Gao. “But parents need to let go, even if they know their child will experience problems.”
As for Shen’s online shop: She has adapted to college life for the time being and her parents are happy to see that the “monthly expense” price tag is falling.
“My mother said taking control of money is my first step into adulthood,” said Shen.
Obama lacks edge in duel
中文 英文 双语 2012-10-18    来源:21st Century      阅读数:92412 字号 [大] [中] [小] 打印
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US president Barack Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney had their first round of presidential debates on October 3. These debates are widely regarded as one of the key moments in the US election campaign.
The two candidates addressed key issues including tax policies, healthcare and the role of the government. Judging from numerous media analyses and polls after the event, it was Romney who emerged with the upper hand. He was presidential, articulate and strong. Obama, on the other hand,
was “stumbling, rambling, dull-edged” and spent most of the debate on the defensive, said an article in The Atlantic.
It seems Romney’s hard work paid off. According to The New York Times he has been doing debate preparation since June. Meanwhile, Obama’s campaign team has been telling journalists how little time he has had to prepare due to his heavy workload as incumbent.
The next two debates are scheduled for October 16 and 22. Their outcome will have a strong influence on those who haven’t yet decided how to vote. Perhaps the president should spend more time honing his debating skills.
So, how does a candidate prepare for these verbal duels?
Candidates enjoy the perk of having a prep team to arrange mock debate sessions and give them feedback. The prep team’s key task is to put together a briefing book on policy for the candidate, in addition to a position book detailing the opponent’s stance on key issues.
The team also tries to anticipate potential questions right down to their possible phrasing, said Tad Devine in a recent interview with the BBC. Devine is a senior adviser who helped with previous presidential debates.
A candidate is generally advised to stick to familiar territory, using tried and tested material. Sharp one-liner attacks known as “zingers” are a key part of this approach and can be very effective.