    As an international student striving to master the complexities of the English language, I have encountered numerous obstacles that have hindered my progress and dampened my enthusiasm. The intricate grammar rules, vast vocabulary, and distinct cultural nuances have proven to be formidable challenges that I have grappled with relentlessly. Despite my diligent efforts and unwavering determination, I often find myself struggling to express my thoughts and ideas effectively in English. Furthermore, my pronunciation and fluency leave much to be desired, making it difficult for me to communicate confidently and comprehend spoken English with ease. The fear of making mistakes and the constant pressure to perform well have created a mental block that further impedes my progress.
是我不好    英文回答:
    Cognitive barriers: The differences in grammar, sentence structure, and vocabulary between my native language and English create a cognitive dissonance that makes it difficult for me to internalize and apply the new language rules.
    Affective barriers: Fear, anxiety, and a lack of confidence can negatively impact my motivation and make it harder for me to take risks and experiment with the language.
    Linguistic barriers: The vast vocabulary and intricate grammar rules of English can be ov
erwhelming, and I often struggle to retain and recall new words and phrases.
    Cultural barriers: Unfamiliarity with English-speaking cultures and customs can lead to misunderstandings and make it difficult for me to fully grasp the nuances of the language.
    Immersion: I immerse myself in the English language as much as possible by watching movies, reading books, listening to music, and interacting with native English speakers.
    Practice: I dedicate ample time to practicing speaking, writing, listening, and reading in English. I seek opportunities to engage in conversations, write essays, and participate in group discussions.
    Feedback: I actively seek feedback from teachers, tutors, and native speakers to identify areas where I need improvement and to refine my skills.
    Motivation: I remind myself of my goals and the reasons why I want to improve my English. I also seek support from friends, family, and the international student community.
    Although my journey to English proficiency is ongoing, I have made significant progress through consistent effort and a positive mindset. My vocabulary has expanded, my gramma
r has improved, and I am more confident in expressing myself in English. While I still encounter challenges, I am more equipped to overcome them and continue my language learning journey with renewed determination.