我的坏习惯 My bad habit
假设你校英语报English Star 为初三学生开设了一个专栏:谈谈你的一个坏习惯。 请根据以下提示,用英语写一篇短文,向报社投稿。
(1) 你的坏习惯是什么?
(2) 产生该坏习惯的原因是什么?
(3) 该习惯产生的不良后果是什么?(写两点)
(4) 你打算如何改掉这个坏习惯?
(5)题目已写好, 不计入总词数。
My bad habit
My bad habit is that I spend too much time playing too many computer games. In the past, I thought it was fun and could make me relaxed.
But now I realize I’m wrong. On the one hand, this bad habit has made me always forget to do homework and my study has fallen behind. On the other hand , playing computer games is bad for my eyes and I have to wear glasses.
So I have made up my mind to give up playing them. I will spend more time studying and doing more sports instead.