理想中的学校英语作文:my dream school
1、My dream school英语作文
My dream school look like a big garden. There are all kinds of the flowers and trees around the classroom buildings. We can lie on the grass for a rest or sat by the lake listening music.
The teachers here are kind and helpfully. They are not only our teachers but also our friends.
2、My dream school(理想中的学校英语作文)
The eva luation criteria of a dream school,just a good school,is the contribution level of educating talents.In my opinon,the cause of high-quality education level includes the following.
In the first place,concerning the material,I dont think that modern high-rise buildings is essential for a good school.the plain and cultural building may be more conducive to teaching.But T. good green environment and the clean face is essential.
In the secend place,at the institutional level,the school must have an efficient management system,education system.The system is like the skeleton of human body,plays an important role in supporting the whole.
In the third place,in the spiritual level,the school need to have advanced,clear school missi
on,which is the the guiding ideology of education and teaching activities in the school.
Finally,education is to cultivate talented person,completed by the teacher specificly.The school must have high-level teachers.The so-called high-level includes solid professional knowledge,excellent teaching ability,good morals,and so on.
Above all,this is my dream school.
3、my dream school小学作文带翻译
The school in my dream is very beautiful.
There are many flowers and trees in the garden in front of the taeching building.And the teaching building is in the south of school.It six has floors.The second floor is sound labwe can have classes there.The third floor has two librariesthree computer rooms and three science rooms.
I'm very want study there!This is my dream school.